Mistweaver "Hotfix"

Hope you brought some time because this is going to be a long post about the recent „nerf“ for Fistweavers.

First of all i want to tell you the perspective from which im writing this. This is not supposed to be a flex, I’m just trying to give you a better understanding from where im writing this. My Name is Ghoranshu im currently Top 30 on Raidlogs, I’m in a World Rank 70 Guild Named Honolulu and currently have 3.3k R io making me Top 20 m+ MW. I touched the game for the first time at the end of Legion, but simply had a pretty steep personal progression curve to end up where i am now. I have been Mistweaver main since the start of BFA. With that done lets get to the interesting Part.

What I am going to be referring to is the recently announced „Hotfix“ for Mistweavers regarding the Lvl 100 row Talent Rising Mist. At the start of 8.3 they buffed it, increasing the Hots everytime you use Rising Sun Kick (RsK) by 4 seconds. Pre that it has been 2 seconds. With the new Hotfix they turned it back to that 2 seconds increase but slightly buffed the healing of Rising Mist itself by 50%. Everybody that has seen a recent Rising Mist log will know tho that Rising Mist healing is absolutly neglegtable and has no worth at all. Changing it to 0 wouldnt make a huge difference, and to make its healing worthy enough you would need to buff it by 400% atleast.

With the 8.3 change of Rising Mist a „new“ build got „discovered“ which basically made ppl stack up to enormous amounts of haste and keep increasing Enveloping and Renewing Mist to an infinte amount. Those „infinite amount“ are all the 200k-500k solohealing Fistweaver HPS logs everybody is going crazy about. As soon as you have reached a certain point of Haste (around 4k which basically needs 1x ineffable truth a few expedient corruptions and a lot of sockets) your hots simply will not run out which creates these horrendous logs. There are maybe like 20 Mistweavers total that have such a high amount of haste to create these numbers. I 100% agree that a nerf was definetly needed.

Now, lets head to the rant :). Why the actual … did you think it was a good idea to NOT NERF BUT INSTEAD REVERT Rising Mist back to pre 8.3 Rising Mist, which was actually so garbage that there wasnt a single Mistweaver that even thought a single second about using it? Why did you change it back to the old way when Mistweavers whole Rotation was go into melee-> press jadewind on cd-> whenever dmg comes in go tft crit buff into essence born while meanwhile being bottom tier raidhealer because of way too low hps and useless raid cds. It was ok back then, but its absolutly boring compared to what fistweaving is now. With the Rising Mist buff you created one of the most fun speccs i have played for a long time and know because you dont know how to proberly nerf and buff stuff you simply revert it back to pre 8.3 Mistweaver?

Just some „small“ thinking processes that might help you in the future:

  1. 2 second was garbage and 4 seconds OP. Have you maybe tried using 3 seconds?
  2. Why not cap hots? Maybe a max cap of 10 on renewing mist and a cap of 5 on enveloping mist? That wouldnt affect m+ at all and it would actually be a reasonable amount :).
    And dont tell me capping hots it too hard. You did the same with Holy paladins in 8.2 who still remain one of the highest hps raidhealers and are best raidhealer in general.

If it wasnt for my guild, my friends, and my m+ group i would be about to leave this game until Shadowlands

EDIT 20th April 2020:


This. 100%.

This is not a nerf. It’s the absolute slaughtering of a playstyle. There are multiple ways this could’ve been dealt with, that didn’t involve killing the playstyle completely. They could’ve made it apply to all HoTs but Enveloping Mist. They could’ve gone with a cap on amount of HoTs individually for each separate HoT, like OP suggested…

This nerf is another great example of Blizzard not being able to think constructively on how to deal with the OP BS they create themselves!

FFS Blizzard, you have better rethink this before it goes live!


Didn’t read the whole post before I write my toughs, but after reading, some things are the same basicly. Didn’t want to spam forums with different threads of somewhat the same things so posting here instead.

Loved the playstyle when I first time tried it out before 8.3. Spend next 3 months playing like maniac to get my monk geared up for mythic raiding and big keys. Farmed all the essences and stuff and learned whole new play style of melee healer after maining holy priest.

Now you plan to ruin the whole playstyle because of top 5% of players who were extremely lucky to get right gears and are extremely skilled at the game. Afterall those 5% player can probably adjust to the nerf because being so skilled and having all kind of gear ready for the chance. But it’s not easy for players like me who don’t have access to all kind of gears in the game and had to spend month to learn the playstyle in the first place and still be just an “average” healer.

Could you please spend more than 5 minutes of thinking to this nerf so you wouldn’t ruin the game for a lot of people because of little margin of top players. I’m very upset of this upcoming nerf and still only in 5 minutes I came up with and idea of alternative fix to top Rising Mist players. Maybe we could treat Rising Mist like Glimmer build on paladins and instead of deleting the whole Rising Mist talent (Glimmer trait), add an target cap to Enveloping Mist (Glimmer of light). That probably wouldn’t work as a final form but a bandaid fix for rest of the expansion. Shadowlands is coming soon anyway and who knows what kind of spec monk will be then. This would target world top Mistweaver very hard and not kill the whole playstyle, much like what happened whit Glimmer build paladin. Also this target cap wouldn’t bury the spec in dungeon wise, it’s not even close to paladin or druid healers right now anyway.

Ps. If the chance goes live like this, would you add some rope to blizzard store. Would need to hang something from the ceiling. Hate to get exited of something and seeing it go away just when you finally got things working, also wasting couple of months sucks.

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The build was stupidly overpowerd. If you look at some hps heavy fights like Maut or Shadar things become obvious. Monks are topping the charts and the difference between the first monk and the first other class is more than 100k hps. This is plain stupid.

Do you mind actually reading the whole treat and not just the headline?


I did but the thing is: Blizzard always nerfs things like that. I dont know why you are surprised?

And in this case the nerf is ok because things went out of hand very hard. It will be playable but not fotm. You have much more to do to gain lower effort.

BUT as i said the No 1 monk in prob every fight is now nearly 100% above the No. 1 other healers which is a joke. Therefore its hard but ok.

No. They didin’t delete Glimmer build from paladins.

Glimmer wasn’t THAT overpowered. RM/haste build was so broken some may consider it an exploit. Too bad they gutted whole RM thing but most of those players were never good at fistweaving anyway so i’d say blizz need to consider removing rising mist talent altogether in SL and replacing it with something else.

I also ment the way they are nerfing. Pack spirit for shamans for example. It was totaly overpowerd and now its trash. The only viable defensive trait for shamans but still trash. Blizzard often overnerfs things so the way they are nerfing it isnt surprising.

Nice one blizz, we had a build with high skillcap and fun. Only the 1% or even less of the MW player base had acces to this broken version of the build.
Solution = nerf it back to the satate when it was useless.

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Just set a target limit for EM and it would have be a good fix, dont nerf the buld to the ground.
Back to rdruid it is

Unless it is capped to like 2-3 targets it’d still be OP in m+

What if they were targeting M+? The ‘fix’ came out after the MDI started, which may not be a coincidence :slight_smile:

I don’t think you know what your talking about.
Why is 90% of top 30 M+ healers Druid and Paladins if we are op?

Best MW with RM haste build is currently at 4200 Rio, highest Druid is 5000 rio.

The build that the top M+ MW Monks are running is not the same as the raid build, they prefer to stack DPS traits and corruption instead of 3X rm trait and 3X corruption stat trait.

RM did not give us “op” healing in M+ but it did gave is more downtime to dps and better mana efficiency.

If there is something that’s op in M+ about monks then it’s the MDI Crane pulls where monks do 200K hps and 80K dps, but this is getting removed in shadowlands with the aoe cap.

The only place where this is OP is actually raids, and that’s with BIS gear.
I was sitting at 34% haste and I still could not out heal the top healer.
It becomes op when you hit the haste % where you can extend EM forever, I was missing trinket, chest and haste % corruption for that.

This can be fixed without removing the whole play style.
It’s actually a punch in the face to people that have been collecting gear and spending money for weeks.

All they had to do is extending the duration of 3 hots only, leaving it viable for M+ and ok for raids.

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Blizzard have literally zero clue…

bullet points are
Very few monk could hit the haste cap, it was a small amount
Enveloping was was made it broken.
you have now killed the spec.
the simple way to have fixed it was to make enveloping mist only extend by 2 seconds and all other hots by 4

its unreal… a few logs and a few monks… killed it. months of farming gone… wasn’t able to hit the cap myself but was close. need to reroll now as cannot even maintain Renewing mist as before.

Pala and disc priest must be superior in raid and druid in m+. Monk needs to stay at the bottom of the pit!

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