Mistweaver Issues

Sup gamerz!

Mistweaver feels pretty alright right now with a few exceptions. I flop during stuns. Theres just nothing I can do about it especially if its a kidney stun. Its not fun at all especially considering how many people have rerolled rogue just because of how good they are.

I feel like theres just nothing I can do and once I get caught in that kidney shot im just dead (and its not possible to avoid it come on). Yeah I can pre wall it but most of the time that actually doesnt save me from dying.

In MoP we used to have an ability called Dematerialize and this ability would make us immune for the first 2 secounds of the stun. so if a kidney shot lasts for 6 secounds then the rogue cant touch me until theres only 4 secounds left. I feel like getting this ability back would make my and every other mistweaver lifes so much easier and would defenitly save us a lot of money because of not having to buy a new keyboard or mouse once a week.

Also having Fortifying Brew on a 3 minute cooldown is a bit strange. We dont really have the most defensives in the game and being able to use this once maybe twice during a game just feels weird. Every single DPS spec in the game can burst me multiple times in those 3 minutes and I wont even be able to get a wall up.

I personally dont see any reason to continue playing Mistweaver or any other healer. Its just not rewarding at all and playing against people who I know are just pressing 1 2 3 while doing all the damage they are doing. Outplaying people by prewalling a stun or cocooning their killtarget before i get spam cced just isnt rewarding enough as it may not be enough.

Thats prepatch leather for you.

Dying this easily during stuns isnt a new problem that came with the pre patch but in the past we have had a few ways of dealing with it. Like for example our wall used to have a shorter CD which would allow us to pre wall stuns, Cocoon could be cast while stunned and as I mentioned earlier we had Dematerialize that would make us immune for the first 2 secounds of the stun.

We just simply dont have any buttons that we can press while stunned or right before we get stunned (becuase of the 3 min wall cd). Its such a huge disadvantage of playing mistweaver over the other healers.

You need to have a disadvantage in front of other healers to make up for your advantages though. You can’t expect to get everything the others have plus your own stuff. Being killed when caught is MW big weakness. Luckily for them, it is the hardest healer to catch. As if it was made on purpose !


Tell me how hard it is to kidney shot a monk please. Is it any harder than doing it to a druid? I really, really doubt that it is.

Right now theres a rogue in pretty much every single 3v3 game I play and if they decide to kill me the game wont last very long. Just force trinket with blind and GG

And I dont want to have the same abilities the other healers have im just saying that this is the biggest downside with playing a mistweaver and we have had ways to deal with this problem in the past. I just wish Blizzard would add some sort of mechanic that would allow us to survive this because there really is no counter to it other than relying on your teammates saving your booty every 30 sec when the kidney comes out

You are not alone. Get peels and/or rotate the defensives of your teammate with your own.

Dying in a stun is the goto against a MW - reroll if you want to facetank.

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Just to mention a few things we have had in the past that we no longer have

  • Way of the crane (not a big fan of this talent but it broke stuns)
  • Healing Elixir (this would pop automaticly and heal us when we fell below 30% i believe)
  • Dematerialze (Immune to damage for 2 sec into the stun)
  • Cocoon (Usable while stunned)
  • Nimble Brew (Ability that broke stuns)

All this has been removed and we are left with nothing. We are basically a resto druid without bear form and barkskin and as we all know resto druids rely on those abilities in order to survive anything.

It is. I usually have a harder time catching a Monk than a Druid, provided he uses his rolls, port, ring and disarm properly. Also, his team should assist and slow me when he doesn’t have those. Also, most good Monks manage to be vulnerable to Kidney only when it’s only me in their line (since they can’t run ALL the time), so if I do it and I don’t 100-0 him all by myself, he lives. And if I use all CDs to do so, then he or his teammate answer with something of their own.

A druid, once you catch him once… he has one leap which you can step. Then he’s kind of yours. Much easier to stick to as per my experience. The slow removal on Shapeshift isn’t too much of an issue as you can re slow, and he wastes a GCD. At some point he will need to heal.

Well… prepatch is preparch and many things randomly drop you, but in general, at max level whenever I play against a Monk, Blind is usually a bait. Because Monks usually play with stuff that is annoying to kill they do not always need to trinket blind unless we commit, and then we can’t commit on the Monk in Kidney. If you have to trinket a blind, playing such a comp, with no CD used in the Rogue team, you’re toast, but that shouldn’t happen UNLESS your own team has a team DCD for you (such as Darkness or Void Shift) so you’re free to simply trinket Blind as your team will then save you in return.

You need to keep in mind that it’s not MW vs Rogue team, it’s MW team vs Rogue team. If your team does nothing their supposed to do when playing with a Monk, that’s not the fault of the Kidney Shot.

Also you will not often do 100-0 on a Kidney with no CDs used. That’s just a false statement. Therefore

Is wrong as you will NOT do 100-0 on nothing every 30s. And if the enemy team uses CDs your team uses theirs (disarm, fear, stun, whatever). It’s pretty established that if you don’t play a set up comp yourself, when facing one, you win by defusing every single set up, not by just randomly throwing out CC offensively, unless it makes you win. So, again, I don’t know what you play but if you and your friends can’t agree on defensive maneuvers to peel for the vulnerable target vs a set up comp, it is not the fault of the enemy’s stun, it’s the fault of your team as a whole.

Monks have a weakness of being killed when caught and not helped. That’s how they are. But they can move. Just like discs won’t usually die in a stun, but cannot move at all versus anything.

If you remove MWs big weakness without giving it another, then why even play other healers, just play MW !

Yeah and it was so insanely broken that a Human Monk could never ever be stunned as you could WotC, then next DR trinket then WotC then racial then WotC then trinket etc. So, yeah… it was just plain stupid. Stuns are, and not only for Rogues, the supreme way to kill someone in WoW, and that spec was permanently immune to it. Beyond stupid.

Once again, you aren’t supposed to be as easily stunned in a dangerous position as a Druid if you play Monk. Your tools to avoid that are many. You need to anticipate when it comes to stuns, instead of react, abd you’re good. You won’t never be stunned, of course, the matter is being put in danger fewer times so your team can cover them all, but if you die every stun DR right now there is definitely room for improvement. Lots of room.


idk tbf, kidneying a monk is similar esque to how you would with a druid. Gotta catch them before x-form shift or x-teleport/disarm/rop

I have been on the beta playing my ww and mw monk and they are pretty much the same, very squishy. But theres that legendary that makes you able to use transcendance instantly again after you use it and keep using it. I’m literally teleporting none stop can click it every second for like an hour if I want lol.

But the only thing is this helps against those hard hitting melee, but then again it still doesn’t help against rogue stuns really. I understand why they added this legendary since mw monks feel alot more squishy on the beta than they ever did in bfa.

It’s why my monk is always a human for the trinket and human racial. Or why alot of monks are orc for the 20% reduce stun. Without these it’s alot harder to survive. Your teammates have to help peel you more than they would have to with any other healer, which probably annoys them too, sicne mw monks can’t even help out with much dmg either.

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