Mistweaver looking for a (casual)home (H)


As title says, looking for a home, prefer casual as I sadly can’t offer the commitment needed for higher.

Wrote ofc on a random char :slight_smile: My bad.

Hi there, i run a casual guild raiding up to heroic who aim to get AOTC each patch

We raid on Thurs 8pm to 11pm server time

Happy for people to miss and we don’t have a team of 50 people hoping we can just bang people togehter in a 30 man raid, it will only ever be around 20 people at the most so people can actually have a voice in the raid and get to know each other

If this is of interest then add me on Bnet and we can have a chat and i can explain fully :slight_smile: Leon501#2740

We have a casual team, and you’ll be more than welcome to come have fun with us :smiley:


You could consider us too as an option :slight_smile:

Our new guild is Lucid, we play casually and are just starting to organise some group content that you are free to join in or not as it suits you. Here is our GM’s original post.

Contact me on Bnet MarkBurnell#2927 or Discord Markh1511

This might suit your need mate