Mix two races

Yes I can hear it aswel it would fit them.

Tauren + vulpera


a yak



Blasfemi! omg

Void elves and Blood elves. That could be interesting :nerd_face:
Also, we already have at least one Draenei + Orc mixed breed, Garona.
And I would also like to see Draenei Demon Hunters, that would be cool

C’mon, let’s get a little more creative!

Vulpera + Harpies! Now not even the skies are safe O_O


A bat! That would be cool!

OK, this one is a better pic of a flying fox

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Turen and gnomes…

So we’d get miniature cow-druids ?

Dwarf and any elf

give them manly beards, why not?

so, harpies as a playable race? … soon™ :wink:

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Sounds really interesting actually and a creative race to be honest.

I linked a half orc - half elf picture once, tbh it was a pretty cool mix and would’ve really liked one :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, I kinda wanna see a half-half of two elf races, as in nightborne-blood elf or nightelf-nightborne or nightelf-bloodelf or voidelf-night elf etc.

Now, so you guys can’t sleep I present to you the best race ever :-

Half grummle - half drog’bar, I’ll leave the looks to your imagination.

Well here’s the half human/elf combo.

Sea Giant with Hozen! Gimme seamonkeys :smiley:

Tauren and mechagnome.

Giant half robot taurens…

Blood elf x Orc.

Just to collect salt from the Elven supremacists on the forums :grin:

Next race confirmed

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I’d really go with Orc x Blood Elf. The near immortality of an elf and their intelligence combined with the strength and the iron will of an Orc. Literally an unstoppable mashine.

Draenei x Vulpera.

They would be blue, furry with hooves, giant ears and tentacles! Awesome!:smiley:
Also as space faring/desert dwellers their racial mount would be those hovercraft things from the original Star Wars movie.

If you want immortality then pick Draenei that dont have any record of dying by old age… Not elves that can hit max 1000 those days.