Im not a main hunter but i play it now after the patch is live and i only have 1 free charge of arcane shot after using aimshot. is that normal? did they change the spec i remember that it was 2 charges for more damage. in my feeling this was the whole point of using aimshot and then better multishots. (of course aimshot is needed but you get my piont)
Pro tip: Try reading the talent description
thx havent expected more from a hunter <3 now that you are here you can answer my question or move on?
They increased the damage bonus from 70 to 100% but it now only has one charge, so yes it changed but not for the better. The only upside was steady shot giving more focus and reducing aimed shot’s cooldown more but we also lost 3sec duration from trueshot…
Feels bad not having the double buffed multishot/arcane anymore during trueshot…
So all in all this was not a good change…