ilvl 400 BM/MM Hunter lf raiding guild. Usually online from 18:00 - 23:00. In the weekend i’m flexible and can be on when needed.
I can also transfer to other servers if needed, decided i wanted to try something else than a mostly social/casual guild for once.
Did a few mythic raids with my collegue when he needed ranged dps but haven’t done much progression runs before.
Also interested in doing PVP but it’s not needed. 2400+ exp in 3v3. 
Good day Zansòsama!
I’m an officer in Solar Noctis, on Frostwhisper/Zenedar/Bladefist! Although we don’t do pvp heavily, there a few players that like playing it on the side! If you would like to have a chat, please add me to battle tag Luctish#1984
Please look at our recruitment post below 
Solar Noctis (Frostwhisper/Zenedar/Bladefist) is a casual raiding guild, we are seeking active members to strengthen our raiding team. We are currently looking for DPS for our current raid nights. To date we have cleared 8/8 HC and 6/9HC.
We are an English-speaking guild who strive to create a friendly, helpful community.
We want to clear content at our own pace. So if you are looking for a guild that intends to push heroic/mythic on week one this isn’t it.
We understand that people have families, jobs and other commitments outside of the game and therefore we are not in the business of demanding players to “be on at a certain time or else” - that goes against the relaxed and social environment we aim to create.
That being said our raid times will be
Wednesday 20:00- 23:00
Sunday 20:00 - 23:00
We also have a night for multiple M+ groups to complete keystones for the week, at many different levels. However it never stops us doing more throughout the week
So if you are looking for a relaxed and friendly place to raid or just hang out or if you’d like more information contact our guildmasters!
Luctish (Luctish#1984)
Gormac (Garaidh#21616)
Lossee (Lossee#2651)
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You sound like the sort of person we would be happy to ‘adopt’! I am Guild Master of Battle Scars, based on Twisting Nether. We’ve existed since 2017 (Nighthold progress) and have had a steady first wing Mythic progress until BfA.
Several people decided to take a break, so we’re attempting to revive our roster to get back to good old days and progress some more again without needing to pug. We’re a great, chill community with all kinds of people. We do M+ together on off-days often, do old transmog runs… anything, as long as we’re having fun.
If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, we would be happy to have you and any of your friends if they want. 
I’m constantly available, myself, through Discord, even when I’m not in-game and have a few lovely Officers who would be happy to answer any and all questions.
Battlenet: Joséphine#2827
Discord: Jo (Joséphines)#7387
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Hey there, please add me.
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Hey man! We’re a casual raiding guild on Argent Dawn EU, which might be a nice stepping stone between your previous guilds and a more hard-core raiding guild.
Add me on BTAG at FeralKitteh#2837 and we can have a chat! Meanwhile, take a look at our recruitment post: [A] <Moonfall> - Argent Dawn EU - PvE/PvP/RP/Fun/Social
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Sent it to you now, it should be from zansosama#2867