MM Defensives should be to all 3 specs

And Survival needs to get into melee …

Hunter is a pet class. The class fantasy revolves around taming and fighting alongside wild beasts. MM is a ‘broken’ spec because the Lone Wolf talent exists. They should remove it and give the spec a 10% aura buff.

Nice try, but you need to think like a dps. Ret paladins bubble to survive heavy damage, saving their LoH for someone else. Hunters would take the hit and use it to heal themselves back up afterwards because they can’t dps during turtle. Having an immunity that stops you dpsing makes you very reluctant to use it.

Aside from that, the OP wanted Exhilaration to heal 100% on its current CD, which would make it around 7 times more powerful than LoH.

Again, you’re thinking like a healer rather than a dps. As a healer, you appreciate having less overall HP to heal back up. As a dps, I think about staying alive. The difference between 50% HP and 80% HP after Exhilaration is often the difference between surviving the next damage spike or dying to it. (It’s also the difference between 50% and 96% if the HoT from Rejuvenating Wind ticks its full duration, which is almost a 50% heal.)

Every point spent on one thing in the talent tree is a point not spent on something else. But my argument was actually that you made it sound as if mage gets the 80% heal during Ice Block by default.

More likely depends whether you need to be self sufficient (pugging) or you can rely on an external from the healer when you don’t have a CD (coordinated group).

Only one of 3 specs, and I addressed this further up.

Yeah, this is completely the opposite of what I - a hunter main - would want. I want my pet choice to matter.

Only people who don’t understand that 10% damage loss over the entire fight is better than ~50% damage loss because you were dead for half of it. I haven’t played MM the last couple of seasons because I really don’t like standing still to cast Aimed Shot, but I would always get a pet out for a boss fight with heavy unavoidable AOE if I didn’t think the healer would be able to keep me alive.

Yea he’s very new to hunter, also he never played any other class, probably he’s even a clicker


Do you hear that, Jerby? Bac says you’re a noob :rofl:

BM just needs the leech from the hero pet to heal the hunter as well as the pet. So we have some sort of passive healing

Can’t speak for pvp or other specs but BM is amazing in mythic+ and above average in raid this tier.

But yes better defensives would be welcome, I’m starting to notice their lack at the +23 keystone range.

False MM has not been a pet class from Legion this is ACCORDING TO BLIZZARD they have spesifically in interviews said MM is not for pets.
i highly recommend to actually listen to the people who makes the game and you would have known this.

Well MM can’t be a pet class because it’s a spec and not a class. Of course hunter is a pet class lol.

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MM is a spec in the hunter class that is not a pet spec.
Better now? childish person

Exactly, so no clue why you are flaming somebody for saying a perfectly true statement that hunter is a pet class, because it is. No reason to be rude.

First off the topic in question is MM secondly saying hunter is a pet class when the spec that the whole topic is about is NOT a pet spec and that is not me saying it BLIZZARD say that, is just foolish.

Thirdly you are not stupid enough not to understand what is being said so your comment to me is childish semantic crap.
You are being rude so i am meeting your rudeness with the same attitude you give out try not being rude next time and you will not have that coming back at you.

Yeah this was totally not passive aggressive of course.

Being a petless MM Hunter and not have to Deal with pet pathing is a blessing I’ll be honest, The Ranger Fantasy is real for alot of people and they dont want/need the pet to play.

Not directed at you. unless you are Tyssera your first interaction with me is not that, my first interaction with you is you acting childish.

So are you going to continue with this crap or are you going to stop being a child?

While it is true i prob should not have left it there it is still a fact that blizzard themselves do not think MM is a pet spec.
And the topic at hand is MM not BM not survival it is MM.

MM may not require a pet in dungeons and raids but it is pretty much mandatory in PvP. Hence MM is very much part of the fantasy of Hunter being a pet class.

Actually, the topic at hand is (as per the title): “MM Defensives should be to all 3 specs”.

It’s very much about the hunter class as a whole and not specifically about MM.

:boom: BOOM :boom:

Saying perfectly true for your own statement does not make it perfectly true.

If someone tops in every stats with 0 death in a bg, or does well in any part of pve without pet at maximum level then you can’t call a class or a spec as pet spec/class.

I know people use pet for its defensives and utilities, especially in arena, but i believe things will be much more flexible in the future.

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