MM hunter aimed shot dmg is WAY too high

My 1st shuffle this season. MM hunter one shotted our team members with 3,5-4,5m dmg aimed shots. Maybe some tunning is needed to that?

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Aimed shot cast time got increased from 2.5 sec to 3 sec this patch. That makes it the longest cast ability in the game! For real! You cant nerf something that has a long cast or it will be rendered useless.

If you cant react in time to a 3 sec long cast then the fault is on you. And a 3 sec cast got to hit hard since its a long cast.

You have so many options to outplay it.
Just hug pillar when trueshot is active and once its over you go offense denying all aimed shots. Use your CCs on his rapid fires. The MM gets ragdolled and in the end dies.
Thats how you beat them. It is an easy spec to beat.

Yeah people didn’t get the memo it looks like, every round I did somebody get clapped, or the hunter die from air.

Guess next week there will probably be some tuning, even warrior are getting os (saw a screenshot in us 4m,on a target hunter usually say they do 0 dmg).

Here I go to join the train!
Give us healers at least a chance to heal, it is not possible to get a damn flag on the other side of map with 2 mm hunters on opposite team. TOTALLY MONGO!

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good. 10char

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Wait til you face a ww monk

I saw a warrior die within like 15 seconds of a shuffle starting with mm hunter & monk on my team. He just blew up. I couldn’t even check the death log what happened because there were so many entries they pushed everything out, it was just stuff from when he was at like 25% in the death log, 0.8 seconds before he died. I didn’t even get to do anything in the round before the warrior died, I really feel I deserved that win.

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Stuff are always over tune in new season.

please balance MM hunter, at least move his dmg from aimed shot to another skills
 it’s like from 60% hp to 0% in one shot


what exactly from WW monk can hit from 4-6 milion?

It’s OK for me. Finally a playable spec. If you can’t handle mm hunter, then the problem is something else.

out of the topic but how do you open that report in details?

Pretty sure Arcanosphere is longer and hits for less and doesn’t get reduced by haste.

MM hunter dmg is broken. rapid fire, aimed shot dafuq is that dmg