MM Hunter changes

Would like to read your opinion about MM hunter changes for 11.1
I met very few MM hunter in raid and dungeon recently and it might probably be because the spec is underperforming ? Right now I was checking the class changes and I noted following:
Lonewolf (5% dmg increase) gone. Sounds like a nerf to me.
Careful aim (50% dmg increase above 70% mob health) gone. Sounds huge nerf to me
Aimed shot cast time increased to 3 seconds , again sounds heavy nerf to me. I always struggled to finish the cast before other ppl in party clears the mob pack. If it happens (often) that you don’t manage to finish the cast, the dps drops to the ground.
Well, I noted they buffed a bit the overall output dmg of aimed shot, but I am pretty sure it would not be enough.
About eagle, would that be a ‘virtual’ pet you don’t see and don’t hear or would they add some cool visual and audio effect ? That’s a great question, right ?
And what about an “emergency pet” to help keep aggro on an elite-mob I would like to solo ? Asking for a friend, since the MM class/spec is already a glass cannon (and may be not even a cannon ?)
Glad to hear your opinions.

Well ptr isn’t there yet, but changes looks very nice to me. I think they took out most of the garbage out of the tree, putted more interesting talents and gave us more reliable utility with making many things works for us without pet and baseline. But we shall see how things are coming together at reality

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