MM Hunter is too strong in PvP

It would require some fine tuning of this “class”

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It is not only hunter, most classes are broken.

Overall their kit is meh, but camo + double tap + trueshot is disgusting.
Removing camo from MM, or nerfing double tap in pvp would go a long way.

They won’t remove camo, it’s a part of their thematic. Most likely they’ll nurf double tap or some of the damage.

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I’ll just leave this here. Complain about MM instead of this, why not.


Many specs are broken, MM shouldn’t be immune to criticism just because there are other offenders.


You’re linking a video of a convenant ability that can be silenced / countered easily. Plus it’s most likely that this will be tuned.

MM hunter are just unstoppable, it’s not normal to have so much damage in a few abilities. I understand that MM should deal more damage than a BM, lone-wolf-ish type of fantasy but still, right now they’re way too powerfull

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But hunter is a bit more broken then other broken classes.

As a hunter I get wrecked by rogues in less than 5 seconds, and since I’m not using camo,you’re open target for everyone, only good thing is you can snipe people from far away


I got literally globalled by mm hunter in arena,in a single shot i got 2*12k aimed shot from his opener. My 23,5k rogue died in literal ik. Thats not funny at all.

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Rogues attack me on my hunter for like 90%of the time, and usually I get in panic mode when someone shows up next to me and starts attacking me instead of someone from ranged

Mm hunter cant stun you. So use your defencives and its gg. Its one trick pony. If you remove the damage it will be unplayble. Bad defencives,bad cc,and no sustain healing.


Rogue cant loose from mm. How he even one shot you. Vanish evasion blind stun.How even he opened to you. Wtf dude. The patch is realy bursty but my friend you cant loose from a mm hunter. Dont troll.


How come you act like a super elitist, yet you have a brain of a pumpkin with barely any pvp experience at all?
I opened on his team mate and died around half of my cheap shot duration, because I got 2 aimed shots within 1 gcd for 2*12k out of his stealth before i had enough gcd to use smoke.


Then mr xperiance friend get some gear. No pvp scaing anymore.And i dont act like an elitist ,you do. You could bomb your opening or sap and if he trinkets blind or vanish and one shot hunter. Wtf. You are a rogue dude. Use your op skills and 2v2 is peace of cake. Tou cant loose from an mm comb us a rogue period. Survival is an other story. Have a nice day

Don’t open “on his team mate”? Wait for the hunter to open on yours first and then open on him yourself?

I never said a rogue cant beat MM. You literally make sh*t up just to be able to attack what I said, lol. I just said that 24k dmg instantly is absolutely wrong, which is true.


Its not about the opener. Hunter can do this dmg anytime in the game with a little bit of luck and literally instakill anybody.


Not if you open on the hunter, who is really squishy and dies during one stun, or during the followup if he has the chance to trinket.

Double tap doesnot do 24 k in equal gear my friend. But even then i tell you that mm is one trick pony. Has no def,no cc,no sustain heals. You ask nurfs to sonething that for 1 more season is not s tier. Wtf.I have never been one shot by mm never.Instead i am orc and if i dont trinket rogues opening i will die one go.