MM Hunter is too strong in PvP

Also shows in the companion app if you use that :+1:

Buff BM pvp!!
Upgrade the IR remote that you controll the pet with to a bluetooth or something, its 2020 and it feels stupid always losing connection as soon a pillar is near

There it is dude

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yes MM is so borken they gave MM a buff on 25% yesterday haha !!!

Are you only capable of reading buffs? Do you just not see anything else?


well acording to the dps logs they rediclus strong :stuck_out_tongue:

16k9 single aimedshot → doubletaped 28k on normal target at Warsong (second fight).

20’800 without any buffs on firt fight.

I never said anything about Chaos Bolt mate, this was my first comment in the thread. Chaos bolt does fat damage too but requires a lot more set up and is telegraphed a lot more. I would pose you one simple question. If Chaos Bolt was as broken as Aimed Shot is now, why do we only see a fraction of Destro locks in BGS compared to MM?

Also I agree with this, Sub not getting any nerfs is criminal since MM has been sorted.

Tbh most locks I see are affliction.
But ALL hunters are MM.

Without any buffs? That dude has +30% dmg berserking buff and Saltwater Potion - another +30% dmg. Result +69% overall dmg.

Come on.


Its a Nerf…

all u need is to get ilvl 330 pvp gear what gives Mastery/Ver then go to MAW add some gem slots put in some Ver gems in the slots and the nerfs will not be ditected at all

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