I recently started playing again with this little hunter since WoD, and am currently enjoying MM spec. I noticed that Versatility and Mastery both provide straight dmg % increase, so the question is:
Why is Versa even a thing when Mastery’s dmg bonus scales better and also provides increased cast range?
I checked some top MM raiders and they tend to keep a balance between these stats, which doesn’t really make sense according to the basic maths I did myself (for this character):
115 versa points mean 1,35% damage increase
115 mastery points mean 2,3% damage increase + extra range
According to the Versa/Mastery tooltips displayed on my character menu, at secondary stats.
On a side note, I simulated myself and got the following stat weighs on patchwerk, which again don’t make sense to me:
Mastery: 2.77
Versa: 2.61
I tend to assume I must be wrong or misunderstanding how these stats work. It would be nice if a more experienced hunter could enlighten me up.
(*) dmg of abilities only (not from trinkets, azerite powers etc.)
So. If your damage 60% OR LESS from your abilities, versatility is better. But that is not a case even for people who uses mecha-trinket, focused azerite beam and fire poution.
Its about 25% of dmg from NON abilities (30% max).
So mastery is a king.
Mastery and versa are compounding, 1500 mastery and 500 versa will likely net you a better end result than 2000 mastery 0 versa. What exact ratio you should aim for is impossible to say, but particularly in this tier when a lot of your damage is unaffected by mastery (30% thereabout), if you are close to zero versa with a crapton of mastery you should at least gem and enchant versa. Don’t go stacking versatility tho, in a vacuum mastery is still stronger. Sim yo self.