I am thrilled to finally see them take these needed steps forward. Elegant rework with a richer theme.
Pet-less MM has had to deal with the clunkiness of BL and loss of utility for years.
The spec has been so half-assed about pet functionality that it resulted in only frusteration and clunkiness. With this rework we finally get cool and thematic solutions to prior headaches of the spec.
Props to the class developers for this one !
I absolutely hate these changes. I want my pet when doing solo stuff and PvP, not an eagle and being the same for all mm hunter.
This is a massive L.
I’m gonna unsub.
Merry Christmas yall
Great changes, can’t wait!
Love the changes! I’ll miss sending the pet after rogues and drinking healers behind pillars, and also Fortitude of the Bear for heals in stuns, but there’s so much cool stuff coming that I don’t care
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Been playing with the same cat since vanilla and alternate with my oozling pet because it’s so fun. Just because some sweats want to min-max in a m+ and get gears which barely lasts the next season is NOT good design. We are all nerds and should get listen to and there could be very easy solutions which can benefit both sides. Sorry but this solution ignores us pet lovers completely…and blizz telling us that they considered the class definition is just untrue! The class definition from Sentinel Owl was better imo… this is just Sentinel Owl with extra steps!
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I feel you bud!
Disc is still fun enough to stay but I’m with you… this was horrible!
Merry Christmas! <3
Same I love the changes… MM is in dire need of its own identity.