MMOs for Roleplayers - which are left besides WoW?

Bro I am still struggling to not play SWOTR again.

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Sad truth is , no game has a functionality like wow has thanks to addons like trp for profiles and being able to mapscan to quickly find other roleplayers.
I’ve tried pretty much all other mmos out there and while some rp exists in eso and ff, the vast majority is instanced, organized little rp here and there and none offer an easy approachable casual scene like we’re used to in wow.

So unless you know people or are willing to look up when and there some events may take place/actively try to find a guild for it, you’re out of luck if your aim to find any kind of walk-up rp.

They’re good games don’t get me wrong and they all have their advantages and disadvantages, but it’s not the same… not even close.

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Minecraft RP is going to be the next big thing.

People mentioning an RPer called Pious from a totally different game is… spooky. Because there was someone by that handle in City of Heroes, too.
Utter tool :grimacing:

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Im playing New World and simply loving it, i personally recomend it, but its on closed beta now until August 2nd. It releases at the end of the month of August and you just have to pay 40€ for it, no subs needed. If you want to change try it.

People talk about FFXIV, but personally reminds me of the previous FF´s that i played when i was younger and i cant relate to this game now that im older. But hey its your choice after all.

Edit: Forgot to say what amazes me more about NW, its an MMO combined with FPS. Equip a bow or a musket and have fun delivering headshots. Cant wait for the 50v50 where you can have a team shooting up ppl before they get at you.

To chime in on NW: I think it has potential. There’s a few things that need to be polished up but it’s certainly playable + enjoyable and doesn’t make the mistakes of many new MMOs that have come out in the last 10 years. I guess either give it a try yourself and see if you like it or wait a while for things to get smooted out? Either way, no MMO is release in a perfect/‘good’ condition (not even WoW, FF14, ESO…)

isn’t New World like, only playable if you have the top of the line graphic cards and anything weaker gets bricked

or did i just read a sensationalist headline without delving into the actual story :nerd:

Nah, I’ve got very middling /outdated tech. Playing on medium graphics, granted, but it still looks pretty nice. I run 60 fps outside of cities, but, admittedly, go down to like 30 in heavily populated settlements.

edit: I think the headlines about 3XXX gpus getting roasted by it were from the alpha/beta last year? I could be wrong tho.

what’s middling / outdated tech considered now anyway

i have a gtx 970 or 960, and i5-6600 or something

will my computer combust? will i need an archaeologist to then recover my files?

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A very small part of me always wants to cry out “The Secret World!”
But then I remember just how hard that game was dropped and abandoned by the Devs.

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I’m on an i5-2500K with a GTX 1060 but my mobo is like 10 years old also

i think you’ll be ok?

There is just one reasonably active RP server (Tarnished Coast) and rather heavyhanded sharding. The character customization is great, but useful RP gear is rather limited. A lot of decent looking gear requires quite a bit of grinding.

I still think retail WoW is the best platform for RP, though…

TC I hear a bit about. Piken Square just utterly tanked over the last year into death throes. Shame it did, before Covid I was in a pretty cool mages guild. guild wars had great magic lore to work off of in rp

Piken started dying just after PoFs release tbh.

Most of the Sylvari guilds were already gone and there was a couple adventurer guilds left.

But ye, Piken’s activity was slumping a long time ago.

I honestly hope for a resurgence if they can make EoD worth playing long-term. After the main story of PoF. Eh.

Other way around, the top-end graphics cards are getting bricked.

Wait, so if you don’t have top-end graphics cards, you’re fine???

How does that even work?

If hardware gets bricked by an application, as opposed to, say, kernel drivers, then it’s not the application’s fault, it means that either the hardware is shoddy (and doesn’t have adequate safeguards like slowing down performance on overheat) or the driver doesn’t offer adequate software protection against abusing the hardware.

Or both.

Given what I’ve heard about that particular graphics card, it looks like shoddy construction is the culprit.

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Worth noting it’s EVGA’s GPUs that seem to get bricked. They messed something up.

Don’t get me started in GW2. I spent more time RPing in that game than any person should. It’s sad that we don’t really see any concious efforts of fostering a RP community in upcomming MMOs. From most to least important features to even approach the envoirment WoW offers would be:

  • Separate official RP realms (would be nice if with moderation)
  • No sharding
  • Addon support
  • NO player housing. This one may be contentious but I firmly believe, as seen in SWTOR and ESO, a prospect of personal instance you can customise to your heart’s content disencourages people from RPing in the open world and makes finding RP organically very difficult.

Very big agree

I saw it in gw2 with guild halls (tho to a lesser degree because guild halls suuuuuucked), swtor with its various housing things, wildstar, and ff14

It consistently adds a huge barrier of entry for new RPers as well as simply and severely splits up RP communities overall

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