MMR recover from bad row

Hi there,

I was wondering if something can be applied to modify the behaviour of the MMR and how the current rating is implement.

I was on top30 a week ago or something, then I had to stop playing because of an unprevented event (baby crying) in the mid of a blitz and lost 165. That can be something that happens. From that day on I made a round of 4/10, loosing yesterday 20 points per lost. Today, I started winning again 2-1, 0 rating won and -18 rating lost. How the hell am I supposed to recover from a bad row?


Remember its not your fault. Its always devs fault. Just stop playing. Simple.

no its not. its the babys fault. orcface.

Get rid of the baby and just keep queueing. No other way at the moment.


It’s the bikers fault.

Only way to recover is to keep winning.