Moba or mmorpg?

i wonder if actiblizzard take over full blizzard i see sugesitons and changes in games ho ar like poor develoepr style force all games act same way show how be on re master old games as diablo2 borning nice but borning warcraft re master old and borning new grafic dotn change fact you oreayd play it keep re master old games not get new ffans on games and old to go back imortal dude ho made it shud get kick in butt and tell dude you terible your diablo importal lost tons of fans you fired and now i play wow and i see its build like force player how to you play your skils you pay for game and in game pay more for costumize realy? but worst ar this wow turning to be moba whit diablo3 mix why hm easy i think onle demon hunter ar liek this basic atack skill to need charge new more pwoerfull skils this ar how you build moba dem but no i see all klass play same way you need basic atack to get astral and atehr energys up mana total mising i bet so you need use your first skil you ever get in game to atack this ar how moba working terible way and ncie way get less player add back mana and if you use druid lest tell to all forms be shape shift form and to yuo cen add any skil to bar so you use skils player like and how player play and not force you onle guardan you onle bear noting more this how we liek you to play and not how you liek to play game act this way to me i help you made class to diablo3 and see big wow turning to be moba its kind sucks dont allow acviblizzard runing wow d3 and atehr games ther sugestions ar terible like how do worst game ever after see they onel planign re master old games funy if they re master diablo1 and ask to pay for it and tlel we did good job we re master old games but its stil to sell right and wow ar now moba game you use basic skil to charge new bar to use atehr skils force player how play we bet all like it i as game art i bet you losting more players now right 6.6

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Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and died.

Since I’m not the Godzilla (wish I was tho), I get the main concept of this topic.

Warcraft is not turning into a moba. Sure it has some common gameplay features with Diablo but Diablo is not a moba too. Also Warcraft and Diablo still two different games in many ways. If anything, you can compare this game with StarCraft.

Besides, Blizzard already have a moba game. So why would they turn this game into another game with same genre ?


from stard if wow develoeprs tell so as druid you free to do all you like you chose form and you do all you wish and now druid ar moba made force to be or bear ho split form cat form window form shapshift window and you onel ar cat or bear force class to be stupit then you not got mana force you use basic atakc to use ather skils this how moba ar made and then you cent use when you atakc healing skils force druiud to act like rouger tank or healer and druiud form stard of ages in wow be tell to play not like this so you made anty druid class i wish old druid be back like orignal wow not actiblizzard ho totla sucks on makign good decizion importal re maste rold games losting player cash and fans.

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please. please. insert paragraph. in this way reading is a pain


Did not read.
I am sorry but that wall off text was impossible to climb over without a rope and safety points.


another thing is i tryed to read but…
Grammar is just… No.


Knowing english or not is a different topic.
But atleast try to make it readable :rofl: .
A few words misspelled or so doesn’t matter to much.
(I am prety sure I do it myself all the time!)
(How do you spell Eachother anyway?)

Didn’t they shut that down?

aall ar build same way as moba actiblizzard do so in wow and d3 you need use basic skil to charge your energy bar to use atehr skils and both games dont get summoner role like warlock shaman necromance in d3 summon minion ho life secends ar cast sskill nto summon skil summon means stey till got own hp on and new wow class all runing you need sue basic skisl to charge your energy then its allow you to do atehr skils and they build like diablo3 why you need pick proferional skill like bear and cat form ho arent same shapeshift form ho shud be its be easy and beter and liek druid shud be you need change skils befor you fight like d3 in wow you need basic atakc to charge your eneryg to beter skils use like diablo 3 all games now i see ar build same way force gameplay as develoepr wish and no free will plus all made like cheep moba mobas be made in angel arena form 7 player i be one of them and moba all time be two teams lvl up fight mobs and then fight eatch ather noting more

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Oh my god.
Please stop.

Oy vey!
Grammar mate!
And paragraphs!
And punctuation marks!
Sorry, must be an important topic, but I siply gave up

I officially died.

Game is still active and playable. But they are not making any major updates anymore, or so they stated.

Still not a reason to turn Warcraft into a moba.

soz, i didn’t use the right word: Words are just… No. They are like…
id ont liek itt vry muhc

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Mothra tried CPR but died also.

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this whay new wow lositng player and fan and cash and all prifer go to classi wow lisend to develoeprs ho fail on making good game wow gone die same diablo fans of diablo die whens ee imortal a junk product and i instend of acti blizzard i made as kid story line for 2milions dolars win 3 events for best story line i fight agenst big duds ho made storys for games and i win i amde own class i show to old blizzard ho be add to diablo3 and som atehr sugesitons but then they lisend to actiblizzard and they stard get coruptions and runign all blizzard games

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hey, could you take time to write the words well?
and could you please use Enter to make sentences like i am doing right now?
like this?
that way everyone will understand you well :smile:

my eng godo enught to made big money story lines and ppl ho made all ym story line into game scenario like it to i get 2milions as kid age of 15 and i all time succes on game art and sugesitons all my stuf i tlel sell good very veryyy good this why old blizzard ask me for help ncsoft and EA im one of top game arts in world and im stil young as hell and i dont talk to normal ppl its borning me got hige IQ and im like be along and if you dont liek ym eng i dont cere you play my class in diablo3 adnd you play som games ho use my art for years and years so if you ble ble abut your eng not my problem i all time abut games ar right and i knwo it beter why i get for any help tons cash develoeprs beg me for help and got multi sugesitons and arts as my very own

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Bruh, what.

This is a trap! Take cover!

I will save you Tèsla!!!

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