Hi, i notice when i level up the mobs also have the same lvl as my characters in WOW
Even the high lvl mobs like the 30 one’s are show as my character level.
only differends is that higher mobs (wich i cant see, they al the same lvl as my character) they are harder to kill, like in the calssic wich is fine. I re-install the game complete also the battle.net app. Is this a bug or is this normal ? when i look at youtube for wow then i dont see any player (movies) with the same as my characters in wow. They see as it is in the classic. character lvl10 killing a mob (trying) lvl20 what they see in the info mob tag.
in my wow the mobs are the same lvl as me. what can i do? beside re-install win10 and battle.net + wow
Hi Dadsie, it seems you may be referring to the level scaling in Modern WoW. That was added in Patch 7.3.5 and is an intended part of Modern WoW’s gameplay. That scales up quests, creatures and loot to match your character’s level range.
It’s to allow you to have more options for where you want to level and play through.
ah thanks for clearing it out.
I played first on the classic and now i must get use of this way of playing.
is there a way to reset it so it is like classic way ?
Yes, play on a classic server.
If you want to play on a current retail server, no.
its ok, i figure it out the new way of WOW
its totaly new but almost the same ehm gameplay is new and graphics
topic can close. thanks guys
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