Mobs scaling?

Hello everyone!

I’ve found a strange feature with mob level scaling. For example, when my level 71 character levels up to 72, the mobs remain at level 71, but on my second character, who is also level 72, the mobs are level 72.

Can someone explain why on one character, at level 72, the mobs are level 71 in the same location, but on the second character, who is also level 72, the mobs are level 72 in the same location with the same completed quests? How does this scaling work and what does it depend on (clearly not on item level or completed quests)?

I’ve also noticed that after a certain number of logouts, the mobs become the same level as my character, but I still can’t figure out how scaling works right now.

Did you finish the story on the 1st character?

I’m speaking from personal experiments here, so it might not be 100% accurate, but for mob scaling to update to your level (assuming they scale that high) two things need to occur:

  1. You need to reach about 25% experience to the next level.
  2. The change itself triggers when you either complete a quest or log in.

Alternatively if you gain enough experience without doing quests or logging out, the system will ensure mobs are never more than one level below you (if they haven’t reached their scaling limit).

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Yes, but I also meet this during leveling in the previous expansions’ locations.

Odd other than my first character in TWW scaling was its awful self lol. Never noticed it not working in older content though :frowning:

Thank you.
I’m testing this using Chromie time during the last 5 days and also see that new level triggers after collecting the 25% current level experience and relogging.

I haven no idea if this is intended , but I’m lvl 79 in the second zone (Ringing Deeps) and all my mobs , npcs and quests are lvl 75 (4 levels bellow me) .
The only mobs above me are the lvl 80 once (in what I assume lvl 80 zones) .
Maybe it has something to do with gear upgrades ? I haven’t changed anything but my rings since lvl 70 .
I have definitely relogged and played for a while in this zone (4 days) . Leveled from 76 to 79 and nothing has changed .

If your first character I think it is intended, was like that for me aswell. level 80 elites are in the same zones btw lol died a few times landing on them thinking level scaling but nope.

You need to complete the main quesline first.
As you can see Ringing Deeps zone levels are 73-75 (opening the map). So the mobs won’t be higher level than 75.