Mograine - Mass Reporting of GDKPs needs Blizzard Attention

With Mograine’s population rapidly growing, a minority of incredibly toxic players are taking it upon themselves to call for mass reports for anyone advertising GDKPs. This is causing those players to receive warning, and subsequent bans.

Whether you agree with GDKPs or not, they are not against ToS and Blizzard themselves have given direction to use Trade Channel, not posting more than once every 75 seconds.

This was posted on Reddit recently and gained a lot of attention -

Blizzard, please pay attention to this and begin banning those that are abusing the report a player system.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, will report gdkp organizers as well kekw.


People who defend GDKP runs are the tories of wow.

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No one cares. Players don’t want GDKP on their realm and are using in-game tool provided by Blizzard to fight against it. Take a hint, take your GDKP runs to a different realm.

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Imagine being such a snowflake that you can’t let other people play the game the way they want, because it doesn’t align with your own self interest lmao

It’s not against the TOS, but it’s supports RMT. Alot of the buyers RMT, alot of the orginazers are gold sellers and RMT is the most dissruptive part of the game.

So I’m not suprised that people use the tools they have to their disposable to try to stop it.

Then atleast as it used to be back in the days when GDKPs started to be a thing on retail in the end of TBC and in WotLK it was a hell to recruite people since they were “12/12” and had all the gear but had never really done the raids but just payed for the run and loot. That might be a problem today to… I don’t know yet tbh.

And there is a few easy solution for all that needs the GDKPs and all that are orginazers and do not wanna risk the chanse to get mass reported. But that is for you to figure out and for me to keep to myself.

Did we manage to purge GDKP completely? Havent seen anyone adverticing for groups in a while :grin:

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