We raided the +1 system for quite some time about 8th runs or more . Since the EP \ GP system is very difficult to implement with PUGs, we decided to try a different system - GDKP.
If you are a well-geared player just like us and from MC you only need some things -
Welcome our static this Friday 18:00 ST! discord - tgcEfzx
What is GDKP:
Gold-DKP is basically spending gold to buy piece of loot that drops off bosses. Where in the end of Raid all collected gold is distributed between all players.
- Unauthorized pool leading to wipe or mass deaths - 100 \ 50 gold.
- Failure to perform basic mechanics leading to partial deaths or wipe - 50 \ 100 gold.
- Not agreed AFK on trash - 10 gold.
- Lack of necessary elixirs on Ragnaros and Onyxia - 10 gold.
- Pranks bids and betting without gold - a ban on bets until the end of the raid.
For example:
Lucifron drops the Gloves of Might. The GDKP leader will then start the bid at the minimum price of, 100g with minimum increments of 10g. Players in the raid will bid until they have the highest bid. That gold is then traded to the GDKP leader, the item masterlooted, rinse and repeat. The gold is put into the GDKP pot and it is then split evenly amongst the the raid after the raid ends.