Molten Corgi pet availability

Dear Blizzard
My fiancee is an enormous fan of corgis and has been searching high and low for any possible way that she might be able to get the Molten Corgi pet
I believe this was only available from logging in during a past event - is there any way at all that it would still be possible to obtain the Molten Corgi pet please?
In her words - please please please please please please please please

I’m afraid it was from the 10th Anniversary celebrations and currently there is no way to obtain it.

The non molten corgi was from the 12th anniversary and also no longer available.

There is however one Corgi pup still available


Thank you very very much Shammoz! Got something to aim for now :slight_smile:

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There are several other dogs, too.

Especially, you want Corgnelius:

and I heartily recommend a favourite of mine

The little wolf told to stay.
Watching, waiting, for vacant prey.
Too proud to leave, she slipped away.
Unburdened now, forever free to play.

That little verse always gets me.

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