Molten Front quests are not live

just another thing in a long line of things

Would be great if you gave blizz some actual feedback instead of sucking up to them every chance.
Some major bugs like attonement crit range still persist after the awfull mess that was cata launch. This just shows blizz doesnt care about the Players.
Even though they say they “value” player feedback, not having annouceded a plan for a faster acquisition of the legendary staff just shows a blatant disregard for players opinions and feelings.
I would very much appreciate it if you made it clear to the devs that we wish for them to be actually held accountable instead of getting another copy paste “apology” when they not deliver.


They are more interested in deciding how many men, women and semi-male-women should work in an office, rather than deciding how many PROFESSIONALS should work there.


They changed the date from the 17th to the 18th without communicating it.
So will be tonight for EU

What you saying? Quests are live now. Take your chain at Orgrimmar

Or rather they just copy pasting the server events and announcements from the US without bothering to change the actual dates.

Blizzard doesn’t care about Cataclysm and its players.

They didn’t change it.

EU always gets it on Wednesdays (Maintenance days), and US on Tuesdays - they just rarely write the correct EU dates on blues and use the US one.

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