Monitor turns off and back on while playing wow


So I’ve had an annoying issue the past weeks. Sometimes when I play WoW, or any battlenet games, my monitor sometimes turns itself off and back on for 1-5 secs.

It ONLY, and I mean ONLY happen while playing any battlenet games (mostly wow classic atm), and only on the monitor which currently have the game running on. With that I mean, I got 2 monitors, and I’ve tried haing the games on both monitors. When this issue happens, it only happens on that monitor.

Doesn’t happen in other games.

My specs
i7 8900k
1080 ti
16 gb ram
etc etc

All drivers are up to date.

Hello Kimpaan,

There might be quite a few reasons as to why this occurs.

Most common reasons that I’ve personally found to cause this could be overheating of various components (graphics card and power supply mainly), or potentially your monitor is going to sleep mode.

Have a look into this article to double-check if your components are overheating.

Not sure which OS you are currently using, I would suggest that you have a look into this article from Microsoft with regards to your power and sleep settings.

Hello and sorry for a late aenswer.

It is 100 % not overheating issues.

CPU at 35-50, GPU at 65 etc when it happens.

It is not my monitor going into sleep mode either.

This is a issue that only occurs while playing WoW or Bnet games.

I’m having the exact same issue and it mostly happens whenever I inspect gear. Mine or another player’s. Same with appearence menu and transmog.
If it’s not a freeze for 5 sec, then my screen goes black for 5 sec.

No one found a cause yet?

Maybe it has something to do with refresh rate? Do you use V-sync, G-sync? I think this is graphic card issue, have you installed any new drivers for gpu recently? maybe you should try to reinstall gpu driver.

Is it turning off/on or u just get a black screen, cause these 5s black screens when your drivers crash happens to many of us, there is already a thread called 8.3 memory leaks.

have same issue after 8.3, no setting was changed or hardware, its called driver crash, thx for update blizzard

It happenes in Classic.

With releasing WoW Classic HC PTR i’m getting same issue. My Monitor (3440x1440) is goin black, and looks like he want change aspect ratio. But it happens only on one place. In Valley of Trials and only if i see at brazier or moving in starting area on 60y range. Its really confusing. What the hell is it? And why is it happening only on one place in the game? Is there any bugged texture? Animation? Corpse? Already tried five different versions of drivers, trying some different aspect ratios, but it happens on windowed fullscreen and windows aswell. Game client got huge problem with windowed mode on 1920x1440 (its just dont keep this ratio), same as 2560x1440 and 3440x1440. Looks like overall 1440p gaming is just not allowed in client from some reason. Game changing it itself automatically to max 1350p. And as i say, it happens only in Valley of Trials near starting NPC. Ofc i tried see at temperature and power supply, without problem. It happens only in WoW and at one place.

never happened to me tbh

on classic hc mine monitor also goes black sometimes

I have the same problem

lately this happens to me aswell (Since 10.2.6) It freezes for couple of seconds, while windows works fine, i can tab out of Wow everything works, only wow freezes for couple of seconds then comes back.
32gb Rams here

I am having a similar issue, I load up BNET, select WoW Classic (Cata) press Play, both screens go off for 2-3 seconds. I can still hear WoW in the background via my speakers, all comes back normal, then sometimes, on Charater select screen, it will happen once more.

After this point, it never happens again unless I exit the game and re-load it.

This does not happen with any other game, only WoW.

I use dual monitors, Dell S2721DGF’s
Nothing in my rig is overheating, all drivers are upto date.

Temps right now while WoW is running on 1 Monitor while I type this on the other:
CPU Intel i9 9900: 32c
GPU nVidia Geforce RTX 3080Ti : 59c

Monitor settings:

  • Both running via Display port.
  • GSync disabled.
  • Resolution 2560 x 1440 (Native)
  • Refresh rate, 120Hz

Ingame Graphics seetings

  • Monitor = Primary
  • Display mode = Windowed (Fullscreen)
  • Resolution = 2560x1440
  • V-Sync = Disabled
  • Low Latency Mode = Disabled
  • Anti-Aliasing = None
  • Camera FOV = 90

Graphics Quality = 10
Shadow Quality = Ultra high
Liquid Detail = High
Particle Density = Ultra
SSAO = Ultra
Sunshafts = High
Texture Resolution = High
Spell Density = Everything
Projected Textures = Enabled
Enviroment Detail = 10
Ground Clutter = 1

Triple Buffering = Ticked (on)
Texture Filtering = 16x Anisotropic
Ray Traced Shadows = High
Ambient Occlusion Type = FidelityFX CACAO
Resample Quality = Fidelity Super Resolution
VRS mode = Disabled
Grpahics API = DirectX 12
Graphics Card = NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
Max Forgorund FPS = 60 (Locked)
Max Backgorund FPS = 60 (Locked)
Target FPS = 60 (Locked)
Resample Sharpness = 0.2
Contrast = 51%
Brightness = 61%
Gamma = 1

For Reference, this only started happening mid way through ICC if I recall correctly.
So Blizz/GMs if you are reading this, please look over Patch notes for that period to see if any changes were made in the Graphics settings, I have a feeling it may be linked to playing wow in Windowed mode?

Still having this happen, Blizzard Gms, could you please advise?

I had something similar. In my case it was due to using G-sync and that my fps went lower than the minimum Hz I had set for G-sync.

You can adjust that limit further down. Or make sure you never go below it. Or disable g-sync in wow.

I have G-Sync disabled on both my screens. I still get this issue.

Can be anything from a faulty or incorrect monitor cable, HDMI/DP version conflict causing sync issues, a failing monitor power supply, failing graphics card, insufficient graphics card power, driver error, Direct X crash, corrupt driver, or bad game install.

I’ve had this happen to me a few times even outside World of Warcraft. I have a Samsung monitor with Tizen OS, G-Sync enabled.

I assumed it was related to the instability issues 13th and 14th gen intel CPUs are creating. But, judging by the reports here that doesn’t seem to be the case.

I did notice an error in Event Viewer when this occurs blaming Nvidia Container. I’d link the error number, but I can’t recall last time it happened. For reference I’m using RTX 4070ti with i7-14700KF