Monk devs just a sadist mf?

Like wtf is going on monk has assumed the position evryone knew it would end up in basiccly dead last on aoe and st dmg, great are they gonna fix monk ever? They nerfed the stones sometimes 10% of my dmg come end off boss fight and they give us a 2% buff wtf wtf wtf wtf, we loose dps now its like 1.8 to 2.7% great absolutely f’ing amazing, youre just incredible dev team pumping out just more crap.

And why give a bigger buff to compensate for the annulet neft to rouges there just better and do more dps and now clear as day the devs give more about that class than monk, monk is dead to them. Truly the devs can go jump off a cliff there stealing money from monk players you pay this game as a monk stop there just thiefs truly dirty scummy thiefs. Im done with this crap unless next week the annouce a fix but this radio silence when they themselves said this expac is the one about communication, yea if your one of there butt buddy classes. Just a joke they treat us like this and i know its a small amount who play monks but still we pay like everyone else for a game and this is how they treat us.

If i saw a monk dev on fire i wouldnt even piss on him to save him cause they clearly dont give a f about us at all.


Yeah it’s weird, but I am guessing theres going to be more changes coming, there has to be more buffs for WW, this wouldnt make sense, so I’ll just wait and see, if this really is it, eh, I dunno, I’ll prob take a break.


We’re not S tier, yet they will nerf ancient teachings further into the ground !

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It’s business they but class reworks on a list pressed the sort button for most played class and monk got the last place.

It will get an rework but just not this patch.

Cool that anyone bother to write something about it. I think BrM is only decent spec to play with, rest is in pityful state. I will not even mention that every other class get some new cool visual features, when I as monk must still struggle with clunky weapons as WW for e.g, not even mention about anything fresh besides some covenant stuff which was created earlier and for everyone. I love the class, but honestly, if it could get at least half that love which few other classes got on this patch, it rly could be great.

Sorry for my rusty english skill, Im not native speeker. Hope your topic get some attention, cheers

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I honestly dont mind that not the whole community is playing monk. I don’t know much about WW, but I love MW and Brm, the playstyle is so much fun. Nothing beats that over a spec that is OP but boring.

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