Hi guys, I’m looking for a good class to play as tank in pve and as dps in Wpvp, I don’t like dh as tank and warrior doesn’t look good in Wpvp/1vs1.
What about Monk ? I like the way he tank but I don’t know how it is in Wpvp/1vs1…any advice ?
Thank you
Im a ww monk main, and I have only one thing to say: Monks rock in wpvp. In pvp in general, but there are a few things that make them extra good for wpvp. You have heals. You have very good mobility. You have strooong burst, and you have some really good utility. If you use all these things cleverly monk is very strong in all kinds of pvp.
For wpvp in particular, one thing I find useful is the ability zen flight. Its good for if you get targeted by that thing that dismounts you in the air. When you hear the sound, you can just fly up as high as you can. When you get dismounted and fall, you will exit combat, then use zen flight. It’s instant cast, and you can use 2 abilities while flying with it. Mount and hearthstone. The mount is the useful one. You are effectively immune to getting downed by the dismount thing.
One thing to note with zen flight though is that it gets cancelled upon taking damage, so be careful about that.
As ww monk, the only classes that give me trouble are some casters. All the melee classes, with maybe the exception of DH, are basically free kills 1v1. With casters you have to play defensively, but with transcendence, ring of peace as a ranged interrupt, karma and reverse magic you rarely run out of things to do.
So yea, I can definitely recommend monk.
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