Good news, it was annoying.
Next: Outlaw rogue grabbling hook, Shaman burrow
Good news, it was annoying.
Next: Outlaw rogue grabbling hook, Shaman burrow
Same with the shiny crystal at the centre of the tracks, flag in Eye of Storm & carrying orbs in ToK.
We done now guys? Or do we still want chi-torpedo disabled during objectives?
ngl, losing instant knockbacks was a bit poo too, making us less effective at escorting carts / holding nodes etc. I guess the community really doesnât want Monks being viable at BG objectives.
I hope Burrow & GHook donât get nerfed.
Itâs a little disheartening watching the community wet their pants every time a class has a niche tool (or temporarily enhanced ability -roll/leap/hook).
I play MW a lot, itâs my fav. healer. But as soon its a CTF map i had to be the FC. I join the bg to heal my team and to play âtankâ. Thats why i welcome any nerf that makes MW an unviable FC.
Burrow/Dispersion while you carry the flag is way too powerful imho (saying this as a shaman main), just like teleport was. Hook would be okay with one charge, but not as it is today with effectively 4 charge (rogue can cross the map in a few sec, you canât reach him even if you are mounted). Add sprint and a priest/evoker and he can take the flag and cap it in record time.
Roll/chi torpedo is fine imo, itâs short range and blizz already nerfed the pvp talent for it (with that it was just as op as the 4x grabbling hook).
If you want to make MW unviable for FC, you need to nerf chi-ji immunity.
MW fc is already completely crippled and the only reason you would run Chi Ji over Yu lon is the freedom of movement. Leave Chi Ji as it is, ty.
But its not completely crippled?
And I only said âif you want to make MW FC unviable, chi-jis immunity needs to be nerfedâ. Thats it.
If you truly believe MW FC is crippled because they made it so you cant teleport with itâŠ
Yes it is.
MW relies heavily on its ability to teleport away to avoid damage. That got completely gutted. Canât do it on the way, canât do it in the base.
Then Iâm right and I ask myself if you even tried playing as or against MW fcs after the patch. They are nowhere near as strong as last season and any further nerf to the mobility is excessive. MWs wont be picking up flags or orbs in any competitive setting, that is a thing of the past. Chi Ji is only picked over Yu lon because of the built in freedom. Remove or nerf that and you might as well remove chi ji completely.
You undervalue the immunity from chi-ji combined with MW mobility to make it like they are crippled due to an overpowered ability nerf.
Did they get nerfed? Yes. They got nerfed.
Did they make it so you cannot be an FC anymore? No. It makes it harder for sure. Made you unviable? No.
Maybe observe how it plays out in season 2 for a few weeks before you demand further nerfs, because I assure you what was done is enough and nobody will complain about mw fcs anymore. You could take any paladin and make him buff a fc with blessing of freedom and that fc would not be a worse fc than a mw.
Can you show me where I demanded further nerfs?
Or is it just another round of you not reading correctly?
Especially when you consider that no one, and I mean, absolutely no one wants to FC in FC maps. So the community rages against itself
When you write stuff like this, you shouldnât act surprised when people get the impression you think that MW hasnât been nerfed enough and needs to be nerfed more between the lines. Iâm sorry if this is not what you wanted to say.
Pre-nerf MW was great for crossing mid and excellent for kiting in base, post-nerf MW is OKish for crossing mid (runs slightly faster than other classes, but is squishy) and once in base, he is just a sitting duck. The competitive viability of the spec as a FC is already ruined. Nobody will use a MW as FC in a elite blitz lobby anymore. MWs will either get clapped in mid and once they reach base they must swap flags or they are toast.
You can still use MW as an FC in a low lobby or in random bg, but there are better alternatives. If the freedom of chi ji was nerfed too, no MW would ever touch a flag again. Also it would destroy the mobility of the spec in areas outside of flag carrying, in which it is already no longer problematic.
The point of nerfs should be to prune what is too strong until it is no longer an issue, not make it so that nobody can ever win with the spec in that role again, and if you take away chi ji freedom, you would get just that.
TLDR: Leave chi ji as it is. The nerfs were enough, MW FC is no longer an issue.
Then maybe read what the guy I answered to wrote first before making assumptions on what I even say to begin with.
That. Was. Literally. The. Point. Of. What. I. Said. In. My. First. Comment.
and I answered:
So you even acknowledged it yourself.
But went on a tirade that âNah, they are crippled, noone will ever FC as MWâ.
What? MW got amazing mobility even outside of chi-ji. So please dont exaggerate just because you can. Just please stop doing that when you write to me.
If you are ONLY talking about fistweaving, then maybe. If you are a caster MW. No chance.
Change it to excellent crossing mid and broken for kiting in base and you were closer to the truth.
And why on earth would anyone ever want that? People wanted MW FC to be less busted and it is easily stoppable now. There is no need to make it terrible. This has nothing to do with viable btw because after the nerf, MW FC is anything but viable for competitive play.
Whatever, it no longer is. New MW FC is a mediocre FC at best.
So you say its not viable but you say MW wont carry flag if chi-ji gets nerfed?
Its either one or nothing.
If you want an answer to why anyone would want MW to be unviable as a FC, ask the person making the statement he wants it to be unviable? I dont care if they are unviable or viable. I believe most specs should be viable to carry the flag. Which is not rly the case atm.
If they are the same kind of FC or closer to where most ppl are currently then good. I did play a blitz where noone could even touch the MW FC. It were truly amazing getting a comp that could barely do anything vs a full out comp that could do everything. First time I had the thought âthis is massively unbalanced and unwinnableâ.
Praise god. Hallelujah!
Right now its not really a good fc but MW can still fc if there is nobody around who is better suited for the job. Nerf chi ji too and MWs will think twice before even considering picking up the flag.
I still favor streamlining the fc process so the class and spec donât matter as much.
With MW pruned, prevokers will soon become the thing everyone complains about. They were already good in s1.
Will be interesting to see what is going to be the next class to complain about regarding flag maps, who knows, maybe tank will once again become the new meta?
MW will still be incredibly good to take the flag from point A to point B in a very fast manner so if theres a better spec that can hold the flag, can pick it up after they drop it at a safe location.
Hm, in what way would you do it?
I think alot of it will depend if they remove the ability to rescue while holding the flag or use rescue on the flag carrier?(Maybe make it so you can rescue but you cant move him?) I didnt play with enough prevoker FCs to see other parts of it. I might play more blitz next season though.
Tanks shouldnât be allowed in any form of PvP.