Monk race?

so i have a panda monk, but the insane clipping and armour being stretched so much is just putting me off it. what race best suits monk? for animations and armour is priority racials is secondary and i dont pvp tyvm lovely people! <3

Well, when it comes to tmogs it’s pretty much human or one of the elves or orc if you don’t mind giant shoulders.
Every other race has minor or major tmogs issues.


Same for me i tried male and female and just could not could get comfy on them. As Fury said human is always a good choice for mogs same with velf/belf/orc

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i liked it with void elf

thank you guys! <3


I have several, personally I prefer night elf, certain monk mogs that I love work great on them and I feel the animations for the class mesh well with the race :slight_smile:

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This but with Nightborne Horde side, mine looks pretty damn good in the Tier 2 gear from the event. I even like how thin they are for the whole Bruce Lee/Martial Arts feel. Really happy with my choice.

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