Monk Tank/DPS LF late night raiding guild

I’m looking for a guild that can raid the earliest 10pm server time (any day). Mostly HC raiding interested and mythic +, (I also do pvp casually). I’m 631 brewmaster mainly but can play windwalker aswell, 8/8 normal nerub ar exp, 2.7k mythic+ score.

Bnet - Trivium#2485

I’m also open to join a mythic plus guild if nothing else.

Hey Wúxiang,

You sound like a great fit for our guild! We’re a casual / semi-hardcore group of committed players that focuses on PvE and social content, and we think you’d enjoy what we have to offer. We do raid a bit earlier than your availability (1900 ST/CET), but are also active during most nights doing mythic+. So if you’re looking for a active and chill community that raids and does mythic+, check us out!

Drop us a message (Discord - multiply. / - Multiply#2590) if you’d like to chat or learn more. Hope to see you soon!
