Monk wind walker lf rading guild

Hello I am an 353 itemlv and I am looking for very active normal and heroic raiding guild. Will gear up proper for Dazar’alor, waiting for season 2 to start

My previous experience in raiding was in when I ran alot of Antorus and got Ahead of the Curve.

I am an very active player that plays everyday of the week. I am up to do any kind of guild activity, Island expeditions, m+, achievment runs and raiding.

Leave a bump if u are interested and I will find a way to contact u

Hi There,

If your all still looking for a home we would be happy have a Chat /w To any member there is always someone online. Just search for Myself, Rychi (guild recruitment officer),Tendoz (Guild Master) , Jeetkoondoh (officer) or any member of Consider Phlebas in your who list :chicken:

Hi there! If you’rre still searching for a Guild to progress in BoD then maybe give Apostles a look! A pretty laid back community that flexes around real life and other issues. Mostly made up of ex-hardcore raiders who got old, had children and work commitments etc, we aim (and succeed) to get Curve every raid since we returned for BFA (we were in legion too). A good family feel, with plenty to do outside of raids and a good social core who like to hang out on voice comms too. If interested, please give our post a look over and feel free to contact me either on Discord or Battlenet. You’ll find the details here:

Thanks and Good luck!

Hey there
Hello everyone! The Eternity guild reopend his doors for fresh blood for 8.1

A bit about the guild:

The guild was created on August 04 2018, so we are relatively new kids on the block.
As a new guild and new raid team we managed to get in progress up till 8/8 N, 8/8 HC, 2/8 M. Ouer priority was to get the teamwork running, so we dident push higher. December came , and since holiday season starting, we decided to stop progress raiding, cuz last month of the year is always hectic whit work and family. So we ar going in a more social till next tier, we will still run HC when we can, and in the mean time recruit for new members to bolster up the rooster.


Progress Raiders:
For progress raiding we ar looking for experienced raiders so that we can go in to finish Mythic difficulty .
RDPS( high priority Warlocks,Spriest,Mage,Balance Druid)
MDPS (high priority Monks,Paladin,Dh,Rogue)
Healers (closed atm)
Tanks (closed atm)
For every boss the Raid Leader picks out the needed setup for progress priority,so we don’t have set positions in raid, we take in account activity, and performance to. For the purpose of finishing Mythic we have a competitive atmosfear made for team, cuz we want to push for ranks to. For recruitment we ar in need of logs, for progress raid team.

Raid days/time:
We progress raid 3 times / week coming 8.1
Wednesday 21:00 - 00:00 ST
Thursday 21:00 - 00:00 ST
Monday 21:00 - 00:00 ST

Casual/Social Raiders:
We at looking for laid back ppl for weekend raiding more casually/socialy. Weekend raids we use as farm days for core team to. The raid difficulty is always 1 level lower then Progress teams level. Once progress team ends progress in mythic an starts farm raiding mythic we open it up for socials to.

Raid days/time:
We run it 2 times/week, and if we finish it in 1 night we will run another more lower difficulty one to.
Saturday 20:00 - 00:00
Sunday 20:00 - 00:00

Mythic +:
We don’t have set days for mythic + push, we run them wen we get on. We have in plans to build multiple teams who plan to push high keys, and social runs of mythic +, for ppl who want to take it more socially.
We recruit all specs and classes for mythic +.

We ar opening the pvp part of the guild to for Arenas, and Rbg’s. For high rating push we at looking for experienced pvp players, we take in more social pvp players to.
For PvP we recruit all specs and classes.

We like to have funn , banter, chat most of the time,and use discord when we are free so we take in social/ casual players to new or old, leveling players or max ones. We run events, transmog runs, time walking events on the side.

Discord is mandatory for all aspects of the guild! Since websites are a thing of the past, we decided to integrate it in to ouer discord server, so we have a really big discord.

To contact for more information plz contact:
In-game: Fdi; Discord: FDi#1534; Bnet: FDI#21926;
In-game : Harryhipster; Discord: HarryHipster#3576;
Bnet: HarryHipster#2730

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