Monks officially have reached rock bottom in m+

have they ever in history of wow been more out of meta than now?

according to raider io, this is a representation of all classes in top100:

damage dealers:
mages - 17
priests - 30
druids - 13
rouges - 11
shamans - 9
paladins - 5
warriors - 7
evokers - 4
dk’s - 1
hunters - 1
dh’s - 1
warlocks - 1
monks - 0

evokers - 14
paladins - 55
druids - 11
shamans - 13
priests - 7
monks - 0

dh’s - 49
druids - 31
paladins - 13
dk’s - 6
warriors - 1
monks - 0

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I don’t rly care about top100 tbh and I don’t think eaither design/dev or community should.

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It’s about time for some buffs Blizzard! I know monk is not being played a lot so you wont see that many people crying on the forums, but come on, do something already

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DPS just switched to full ranged meta comp or one warrior dps for spell reflects. There is sadly no place for monk dps this season.

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Do you qualify as top 100? If answer is no, then this does not affect you.

Really… really doesn’t matter.

I think there’s a lot more worry looking at stats and what data displays more than players actually playing the class they like the look of.

Sure, data is accurate, data is love, data is life yadda yadda yadda…

Now i’m not saying that Monk is suddenly ‘fixed’ or ‘acceptable’ or whatever one might conjure in their heads upon daring to say a flawed class is suddenly good in its current state. No. I am not saying that and neither should anyone.

But… top 100 shouldn’t influence your choice or performance. Perception does more harm than good, in this case.

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Remember that monk was the only class none used at MDI. We bring no utility (mystic touch is dead with caster meta), aoe stun (lol), ring of peace (lol). Our aoe dmg isnt anything good and our ST is mediocre at best.

U can just see by no monks at top 100 we lack both utility and dps. If people don’t want to play monks at that level it means they are lacking both aspects.

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At my level I kinda don’t care about that. Doing m17 it is more about trying to keep alive and pass all healing checks while sometimes playing around my own/pug upsies.

In this range being mobile and able to get to sb who is somewhere in narnia is a great value.

Circle of peace at this level can be very valuable asset where people mess up ticks in underrot.

And ye, short interrupt in this env with AOE is something I rather have than BL. It can slow down dame intake big time when tank overpulls.

Talking about BL it is not a must have utility at this level of play. Yes when everybody are playing mechanics it is a game changer and will take out pressure on some bosses. But in this case it is just a “win more” ability, as we are in home in this case.

Not to mention: I do mess a lot. I will hiperfocus on one thing and forget another. All those self defences and rolls are a huge help for me.

Also in pugs there are a lot of melee. Seeing warriors, pallys, hunters much more often than any other class.

This is why I do not care about top100. I don’t play it and I do not intend to. None of my friends/ guild members does either. I could not care less if they make a 5 man pally teams in top100.

Not to mention I prefer monk playstyle. It is fun. I much rather try to reach as high m+ on my monk and fail at 14 than reach 20 on my Druid and be boared to death with that accounting simulator spec :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not only top 100.
You can check mythic plus 20+ which is where it starts to matter.

Monk is least played damage dealer. It’s also least played healer with 4,5%. Game is not only at top 100 and not only at 14-17 that you can 3man it.

Ok don’t get me wrong. I do think we need some buff and it would be good to get some major utility tool.

I just don’t think this is as big issue as the community perception which simply totally unhealthy and tilted.

Only way this would change is if we got over buffed.

Holy Palla (which is objectively stronger choice than MV now) is a great example. It got suddenly re discovered before the re-work and its popularity skyrocketed at top100. Shortly after it propagated to lower tier.

Did it get any buff? No
Did it got any more viable in lower tiers? No

Not only in M+ they are way too squishy in pvp also…

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