Monks on Flag maps

For the last few days on GB Blitz I am keep getting WSG/TP with MW monk in the enemy team and every single match ends with us trying to cath the monk on mounts while he is 10 times faster carrying the flag. It’s getting out of hand because it makes Blitz almost unplayable since the games are already decided before they even start.

I lost over 200 rating this week because 90% of the time I am getting those 2 BGs. Do they have higher chance to be rolled or sth? How the actual F person with the flag can outrun people on ground mounts?

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MW monk is crazy OP on those maps. Their mobility plus cc, defences and self heal is too strong. And yes i know some clowns complain the same about outlaw having 4 grappling hooks but conveniently forget that Outlaw has no defences while carrying a flag.

MW need restrictions. Can’t use ROP, Can’t roll as far. Can’t use teleport.

Depends on the enemy’s DPS - as a warrior main, rogues basically have damage immunity with evasion. But the April fools joke class is indeed cancer to play against. Not just on CTF maps.

Also, OP clearly didn’t play WoW during WoD - rogues were able to move faster than mounted DKs & Paladins back then.

Burst of speed talent was a cute little talent and made every rogue the default carrier.

Blitz should probably only ever have been Arathi and Deepwind

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