Monthly Sub Prices in Turkey

tl;dr I have ranted about the monthly sub price in Turkey

Hi all,

I am pretty sure this has been a topic before too but I have no other way to express the problem other than this. I am from Turkey, and I have played WoW for more than 10 years. It is my go-to game whenever I have free time.

Lately, because of terrible governing, our currency has gone down nearly 80 percent. That affected obviously everything in the country. However, most of the companies like Netflix, Steam, and Amazon, have decided to use local prices to prevent losing customers.

For instance, Netflix has a price of 40 liras, which is equivalent to 2.95 USD for 1 month sub. Amazon Prime is 8 liras, which is 0.59 USD.

However, WoW monthly sub is 13.99 USD, which is insane money right now in Turkey no one can afford.

Blizzard, please consider using local prices for countries like Turkey, because we cannot play the game even though we want it. Turkey is a huge market for gaming with a young population and has a gaming culture.


Other companies make what they consider ‘wealthier’ countries subsidise the ‘poorer’ ones. So the UK for example pays 3 or 4 times the amount someone does in Turkey. Blizzard evens out the cost to all countries included in the region so there is one set fee for everyone.

Microsoft who are in the process of acquiring Activision Blizzard have a Game Pass system that works similarly to what you describe. Whether or not this will bring changes to how the WoW subs work remains to be seen. We are unlikely to hear anything until they are actually the new owners, which probably wont be until next year.


I agreed. Game Pass here is much cheaper than the wealthier countries. I still believe there is reason left in Blizzard. Worth trying.