Hey all!
We run a guild that raids Mon/Wed 8-10:30 UK time - appreciate that not all want to join the guild as they may have their own guild that they enjoy and love playing with.
However, if there are any players out there who would like to play and perhaps progress with a weekly raid team, please feel free to reach out if our raid times work for you! Happy for you to join our community and raid with us on the side. Same goes for any guilds that are in the same position as us where they are ready for Mythic raiding, but do not have the numbers. We have roughly 10-12 players raiding and would like to fill and remaining/required spots from within the community.
Some more info about us:
< Fourth Wing > is currently recruiting additional players to fill out our team as we look to carry on with progression into Mythic! Also happy to invite socials/casuals, the more the merrier!
Currently 3/9M AADTH, 3/9M AATSC, 8/8H AAVOTI. Looking for more ranged dps and 2 additional healers (monk, evo, disc priest preferred) to join us as we continue to progress!
Raid Nights: Wednesday / Monday 8-10:30pm UK time.
Realm Group: Eonar, Vek’nilash, Bronzebeard, Blade’s Edge, Aerie Peak
Great atmosphere, really relaxed and chill, no toxicity, just a good time with good dudes. If you’re interested at all, happy to have a chat for more info: