Moonglade guards killed me

When I zoned in after talking to the NPC in SW. As soon as I zoned in the guards aggroed and killed me. Then I ress and its fine. Happened on 2 characters.

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Has been so since april 2nd at least.

I tried druid teleport on my druid first. No problem. Then went back to SW and used NPC. Zoned in no problem.

On pala and rogue i got killed.

Same thing just happened to me ;(

night elf druid lvl 22, used spell teleport to moonglade.

got killed by guards as soon as i teleported in.

Seems to be a thing in other areas aswell. I was queued for a dungeon in one of the Vashj’ir questhubs yesterday (the one with the rep quartermaster). When porting out from the dungeon once finished, I was hostile towards the npc’s and got twoshot. When I resurrected again, they were all friendly again.

Same thing also happened to my DK after porting to Acherus Hold with Death Gate.

this is still happening -_-
shouldnt blizzard have adressed this problem by now!?
do better guys, it really ruins gameplay experience…

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