Moonkin Eclipse is Awful

SL eclipse system is a huge degeneration from BFA’s empowerment system.

The whole system has awkward rotation and pathetic damage, pretty trash without Night Fae convoke.


I’ve played a bit the moonkin and certainly the SL system can get some criticize.

First of all, almost all our gameplay revolves BoAT eclipse rotation, so it’s more important to quickly switch between eclipses rather than the eclipse itself. The eclipses are a crit boost before a playstyle.

Secondly, the control we have to use AoE or single target blows hard, which is not the case for other AoE classes. But then again, it does introduce some time to DoT up the targets during Solar eclipse & AoE situations, but really does nothing for Single target & Lunar eclipse. In Raid, having to lunar strike the boss alone feels a bit :c .

And I agree, we rely way too much on convoke: Celestial alignment is now strictly babysitting our convoke, and overall without it our damage suffers. Furthermore the fact that almost everyone went for NF shows that Venthyr, Maldraxxi or Kyrian offers no competitive value to it. Maybe Kyrian offers a good deal with linked spirits, but Convoke is just great in every situation.

Overall I think it’s better than what I first thought, but non-eclipse phases are really underwhelming, even though is 2 casts, it really is noticeable.

My biggest complain is BoAT is mandatory. I liked Arcanic Pulsar to improve my control on eclipses but it pales in comparison.

Give it some time, you adapt to it!


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Ye I agree the rotation is a bit weird but I kinda got used it

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Might be a unpopular opinion, but I actually prefer bfa empowerments system, to current eclipse system. Not because bfa was any good. But I’ll take it any day over how uninteressting SL eclipse is.

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I agree. The SL eclipse is a very counterintuitive and awkward system.

And I don’t think your view is an unpopular opinion.

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From what I’ve seen here, most people agree. Balance druid was one of the better designed class during BFA, even if too reliant on Streaking Stars.

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Yes, I totally agree.

The SL eclipse is really awkward and rigid rotation. Your rotation’s only purpose is to maintain eclipse. So we have to use single target abilities in aoe situation and aoe spells on single target.

BFA empowerment system was much more natural and flexible. The only necessary change was starfall in SL.

And SL moonkin is too reliant on NF convoke and BOAT legendary. Without those borrowed power system, eclipse basic rotation and damage is awful.

I don’t know why Blizzard went back to the eclipse. It is a big step back.

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Eclipse Stances (no cd)
• Solar Stance - Improved Wrath (for single target) + Starfall changes into Sunfall
• Lunar Stance - Improved Starfire (for AoE)


Keep the eclipse system, remove the restriction on lunar and solar, so you can enter solar after solar if you wish, with 2 starfire.


Tbh, I’d rather return to WoD Balance over BfA mate :wink:

Legion and BfA balance spec have been so much gutted and the nice things from have been ripped apart.

I like it!

It was degenerative when SS extended eclipse durations but now that it just empowers them, it works really well.

AoE damage is really strong and consistent but admittedly, single target is carried by convoke.

I’m really happy with the way boomy is playing atm but if they were to change or nerf convoke, they would need to give us significant single target buffs to compensate. Playstyle is fine.

God no! That would be so boring. For most raid bosses you’d just stay in solar spamming wrath for the entire fight. I would absolutely hate that.

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The only difference now is you spam button 2 instead of 1 on every second eclipse.

Yeah, I hate it. I miss BFA balance. Why did they even change it? It was perfectly fine in BFA. I hated it so much I switched main at the start of SL, but eventually decided to go back to my druid. Still hate it though.

Personally I quite enjoy the way my boomkin plays out right now.

Only thing I miss, was the double application of our dots during celestial alignment (WoD i think this was like this ) but if we had that it would be way too strong, they are already stupidly powerful as it is…

in all content lol

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