Moonkin Incarnation Armor

Saw a druid today during my sparks farm who had armor in incarnation , it’s one of the reasons I started playing druid knowing I could do that aswell , well until I used the abillity anyway and didn’t get armor on any of my forms using incarnation in every spec.
So how does he have it but not me ?
I asked him , said he plays since vanilla aka maybe it is grandfathered ?

You need to use your racial Moonkin form, it’s under Full Transformation at Barber shop. Quite recently Blizzard introduced new Moonkin form that is default for all druid and that form is customizable at barbershop, that form has no Incarnation armor.

Kul Tiran Moonkin form doesn’t get an armor either, instead it glows green more during Incarnation. Bear and Cat form incarnation armors are not accessible by anyone.

So in order to have armor during Incarnation you have to give away ability to customize your Moonkin’s beak, antlers, wings, color, etc and go back to the old Moonkin back from Legion/BfA.

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