Moonlight Embrace [Night Elf+Worgen RP]

We are always looking for new people to join up. We’ll likely find us in Ashenvale, Astranaar.

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Couldn’t recommend a bunch of nicer people!

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Sounds great! Who should I contact?

Rosesky, Rhodina and Lymeldra would be your three best people to try and contact.

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We are back in Astranaar for a while longer. If you want to swing by a join up with the Embrace and get some good Night elf and worgen rp don’t hesitate.

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The Moonlight embrace had a long meeting regarding where they stand with the treaty and the possible threat of the Old God.

This came to a back and forth argument. Some rather hunt down the Horde and bring many down to their knees, others want to see peace and deal with the threat of the Old God.

A constant argument of what The Moonlight Embrace stands for now.

It comes to The Embrace continues to stand with the Army of the Black Moon and deal with the threat of the Old God. However, keeping a safe guard of their borders not allowing the Horde to walk freely on their lands.

Though a lot are happy with this, some still hold words against what should be done. But this has yet to come to pass.

The Moonlight Embrace are sticking to Ashenvalde and keeping out the Horde and waiting for the next large threat just lurking around the corner.

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Concern in Shal’dorei

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Concern in Worgen

We’ll see you guys again soon!

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After sometime away from Ashenvale, spending time in Stormwind, Alistair returns to Astranaar to help the Kaldorei in their next pursuit. That being killing more loyalists.

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We are still within Ashenvale - Astranaar. If you are seeking for a good quickly Night elf and Worgen guild that do casual RP, events and the often RP-PVP when it is called for it. Come find us or contact any of us in-game.

Gotta say I have felt right at home day one on joining this guild!

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begins to sweat!


Good guys here. :slight_smile:

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Lymeldra Dawnseeker gratefully opened up a portal to Stormwind City for Alistair. He stepped through the portal and quickly found himself in standing in the Mage Tower. He waited for a moment to allow his balance to catch up with him. He was never used to going through portals.

The worgen exit the mage to be granted the fair sight of Stormwind City in the late evening. He had forgotten what the city was like; since he joined The Moonlight Embrace he left behind quite a lot. But he wasn’t here for the sights of Stormwind City, which was left for later.

He paced quickly outside of Stormwind and towards the land that was given to him when he was knighted. He kept his title hidden when he was with the Moonlight Embrace but now that situations have shifted it was appropriate to let the council of the embrace know that he was known as Sir Stallnorth a Gilnean knight and a proud one.

Keeping a fast pace he made for the exit of Stormwind City and into Elwynn Forest. Near the edge of the forest lies his given land. The entrance kept clear and clean, maintenance has been kept up since his departure quite some time ago. Making no hesitation he spends little time looking for talking to anyone. There was one place he wanted to go; to Stillthorns rest.

Stillthorns rest was made specifically for the resting place of Alistair’s beloved, Aarela Stillthorn. How beautiful was the area, trees and flowers circled around the gravestone. Fresh cut flowers rest softly at the foot of the grave. Sir Stallnorth approached the grave slowly. How long has it been since he had last seen?

He respectfully took his human form over his worgen form, he felt it was only right. He kneeled down in front of the headstone, placing a right hand onto the head of the grave. The wind blew so lightly he just kissed his body, he was numb, he couldn’t feel anything right now.

“My love. I have lacked the time to come here and my time is still currently pressed. I am doing my best to bring justice and vengeance to the Horde. I will lose myself in my anger and rage for what they did to you.” His voice started to break as he swallowed hard.

> “You shouldn’t have gotten in the way of those arrows. I promised you that it was I who was meant to protect you, my love. You were the only one who could calm me… bring me under reasonable control and too listen. I have taken in your lessons and your words, Aarela. I don’t have long, but I will return.” He stands up slowly looking down at the grave with a snarl and a face not to be trifled with, his voiced remained low but crackled with anger. “We have vengeance to bring.”

He turned around heading back into the heart of the estate. But he did not stop there, he went straight to Stormwind City to gather information and possible answers.


We have a campaign just around the corner! I highly recommend joining the Moonlight Embrace if you have considered it. We won’t be back in Ashenvale for a while.

Can I join fam? I’m totally a Night Elf.

I just going to call you out on that one.

M e o w?

(In Kaldorei)

Only if you acknowledge ketchup belongs in the f r i d g e!


Lunarglade is a night elf, I’ve seen her night elf license!

Last night was quiet eventful, a lot did happen. Started with a easy social gathering event; the Horde turned by and it turned into a near whole conflict outbreak. Though Alistair didn’t get himself involved it was fun not just seen the Moonlight Embrace get involved but the new guild Wisplight Willow.

In all it was a fun evening.

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We are currently undergoing a campaign in Uldum. However, during this time we may not be able to recruit anyone IC until the campaign is over, due to the Story and event set in place.

However, we have no issue on taking a character in IC and then recruited when we finally make our way back to Ashenvale.

Till then!