Moonlight Melody
Who are we?
Moonlight Melody is quite simply a Shal’dorei guild focused on the worship of Mother Moon, Elune. Most prominently, our members are Priestesses and Acolytes of Elune - we are a guild focused primarily on the spiritual lives of these devout individuals.
The organisation, whilst of course religious, is not the only focus of the guild. The devout within the guild shall travel from land to land to aid with the spreading of Mother Moon’s light; be it aiding others, cleansing corruption or hosting ceremonies across Azeroth.
The Melody have come to agree that maintaining a bond with their kin has failed. Now they operate as menders of the Horde, employing help from the followers of Mu’sha
Guild History
Nearly all of the members within the guild are primarily from the Sisterhood of Elune, be it the ancient sisterhood from prior to the sundering, or the modern Shal’dorei sisterhood.
Following the departure of Lord Songstrand, Erena Lunarglade took over as Matron of the Melody, deciding that in the interest of faith and diplomancy that the experiment of neutrality was impossible, as the Kaldorei would never forgive the Shal’dorei for the crimes at Teldrassil. She ruled a return to tradition, once again banning the controversial tolerance of Male Priests and reconnecting the sisterhood with the teachings of actions over words.
The Melody now serves as a collective of menders and scholars, offering their skills as healers and lunar blessings of war to any Horde group that will accept them, permitting they do not pervert nature or fight against their values.
Perhaps one day, the order will be a pillar in returning Elune’s light to the Shal’dorei and regaining some essence of reunion between the elven people, but such is a long, long way away.
Rank System
The ‘Matron’ is the leader of the organisation. - This is currently held by the Priestess “Erena Lunarglade”. The role of the Matron is to keep everything at peace within the organisation, host ceremonies, prayers and lessons - whilst also focusing on communication within her own order and other allied orders…
The ‘Handmaiden’ within the guild is quite simply an officer role. They function as both advisers to the leader, and to all other ranks within the guild. The Handmaiden is one the others may trust and seek for advice and aid in day-to-day life. During times of battle, they may also be looked to for leadership, during the Matron’s absence…
_ The ‘Priestess’ serves as a pinnacle of faith within the guild. Just as in ancient Kaldorei culture, the Priestesses are very well respected members within the order. These pillars of wisdom are among the most pious and devoted in the Order. This rank is for, as one can guess, Priestesses of Elune._
Lunar Guard
_ The ‘Lunar Guard’ a rather important role, especially whilst we are out from the safety of Falaanar temple. The Lunar Guard is composed of our devout males and females who desire to protect the order and have demonstrated their reliability. They will be the protectors in combat and the true backbone to helping the order in more dangerous scenarios._
The ‘Scholar’ - Our lorekeepers, are tasked with the recovery of ancient knowledge about the ways of Elune and the history behind her worship, they serve as both students and teachers of our ways. They are often accompanied by our Lunar Guard as their role usually keeps them out of combat.
The ‘Devout’ within this order, may not be a Priestess, nor a guard. Merely individuals whom worship Mother Moon, who wish to aid the order. - They may be arcanists, seeking to provide knowledge and transportation to the Moonlight Melody, or potentially Tauren druids, who seeks to heal and aid with the spread of the ancient faith. This is our most open rank.
The ‘Postulant’. This rank is quite simply for new joiners, especially those who wish to serve as devouts or temple guards. During this time they will attend ceremonies, prayers, and aid the order - thus proving them self to the order and Elune so that they may soon become a fully-fledged member.
Event Style: Our events are to be held in a myriad of styles. Varying from religious ceremonies and lessons for Acolytes and Priestesses / Priests, to venturing out into the wilds, cleansing corruption and helping locals in the different areas we travel.
There will be periods where the guild may also aid other different guilds with campaigns and events, working as healers and protectors alongside them. We work to bring faith and support to the community.
How to Join: To join, get in contact with any online guild member, they can easily direct you to an officers discord or an officer, if they’re online. From there an OOC interview will be conducted to ensure you feel the guild is right for you, and then an IC interview will take place, commonly at the current temple we reside at.
Recruiting Officers: Erena Lunarglade & Estalar Darkwarden
Who can Join? Whilst the guild is of course prominently Shal’dorei, due to religious reasons, other races will be considered on a case by case scenario, if they prove truly fitting to the guild’s ideals and religion. An example may be that of a Tauren druid. Any roles that are considered ‘heretical’ will not be accepted, E.G - Fel Users, Void Users and Death Knights.
Uniform: Whilst there is no official uniform for usual events and the like, we have ceremonial uniforms that members will be expected to wear during religious events, such as sermons. Uniforms vary dependent on rank; each respective attire can be found upon our Discord. But worry not, outside of events, no uniform is required - merely look presentable and logical for the role your character presents.
Further Questions? Should you have any further questions, by all means, contact us in game or leave a question down below, we will ensure to get in touch, ASAP.