Moonrise - Sunday, October 4th!

RL is more merciless than anything in SL and beyond.

We managed to not start the fifth war, and thank the Light, there were no Forsaken nor death knights present this time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Moon’s Rise is this coming sunday right?


Right you are, Night Warrior! I’ll attend on the blue side this Sunday, I think, since my Allies were a little sulky about being (almost) outnumbered by ‘reds’, last time :grinning:


Aw man, only realized today that sunday is the month’s first again! Unfortunately I will be busy that night, but hope Elune will smile on the rest of you, blue & red alike.

Oh, and came here to bump, of course. See you latest at the next one!


I’m not sure if I’ll be able to show up tonight, but on the off chance I am around: will this event be timeline-neutral? With SL delayed I am not sure where many of my characters stand in the prepatch story. :thinking:

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The pre-patch timeline in general is … troublesome.

Apparently, our faction leaders were kidnapped.

No matter how much or how hard we search for them, we won’t find them until… sometime after we can actually enter the Shadowlands.

Personally I’ll go with, “I am feeling a little lost. Maybe someone at the moonrise knows something? I shall attend and inquire.”


I just go with what my characters know.
Which is usually very little to do with current lore events.
I’ve brought a young pandaren who likes being struck with lightning… I can’t imagine she’s very sensible, but whatever.

And on my other account, an aged orc who seeks to die in battle, but wishes to see a few more things before he goes. He’s fitting for Shadowlands, and will get more attention there, but he doesn’t know what’s coming for him. He thinks he’s going to die in battle, and then finally know peace.

Neither of these characters would directly know what’s going on with world leaders or the Shadowlands, unless someone brings it up to them.


Thank you all who attended tonight. I have been away for a little while due to real life events but I was glad to return to this wonderful event and server tradition. I enjoyed meeting and chatting to a few new characters and enjoyed giving my little words of wisdom for the evening.


I’m sorry I couldn’t be there. The youngest of my spawn got ill and when he finally slept, I had forgotten all about it. The list of things to make up for grows ever longer.


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