Moonrise - Sunday, October 4th!

Damn - just realized this is actually TODAY, and of course it’s 2 days too late to post in the old thread. So, better late than never! Hopefully despite the late notice we find a few people to gather and watch the September Moonrise together!

"Ishnu’Alah, Kal’Dorei brethren and friends and citizens of Stormwind!

Back in the past years, you, the Nightelves of Kalimdor have invited your allies and kin alike to join the old Kal’Dorei custom of the monthly Moonrise, to share your friendship and your praises to Elune. In the light of recent events, your homelands became contested, with many of you finding refuge here on the other side of the world, which was surely no easy choice for you.

Now we invite you to continue your custom, here in Stormwind, in the circle of your friends and allies. Your homelands may be far away and troubled these days, but we are all gazing upon the same moon.

Be welcome everyone to join us on the 1st sunday of this month, and every month, by the old grove above Stormwind Harbour, to share an evening of kinship and reminiscence. There will be food and drink, and a priestess will hold the prayer when it is time to receive Elunes blessing.

The festivities will commence an hour before Moonrise, and everyone is welcome! Leave your grudges and your weapons behind, and enjoy with us a peaceful celebration of Elune, of kinship and of the beauty of the rising moon.

We are looking forward to see you there!"



TODAY September 6th, from 21:00pm server time! (actual Moonrise should happen around 21:30)

Who is invited?


This includes Hordies - bring tongue potions for communication!

Please respect the Kaldorei customs for this event:
No weapons (a weapon rack will be available close to the event)
Also, please no open use of magic of any kind, or summoned companions against the laws of nature.


The small glade left of Stormwind Harbour (facing the sea) . From the harbour, ride outside along the city wall and up the hills, until you reach a little forested area with open views to the sea


Post here or get in touch in game - just ask around in /LookingforRP


most of us get there around 8PM


It saddens me greatly to say so, but unfortunately I will be forced to skip this one, as will the majority of the Hand because in our guild timeline today is the day N’Zoth is finally going to be defeated by the Champions of Azeroth, so our ragtag bunch of Sometimes Useful Cheerleaders of Azeroth is very busy battling threats that are more on our power level.

…Cultists. We are beating up cultists.

I will be there next month, though, and I promise to try and drag a few reluctant elves along!


Linaria, a shame but perfectly fine - as mentioned, I just realized in shock what date it was this evening only. Been a little absent with loads of RL stuff like moving countries lately, so haven’t shone with attendance last month either :smiley:

Good luck to the Hand, rid us all of N’Zoth!!


Hey, I think I’m starting to notice a trend here–I think across all my RP guilds there are at least seven or eight people relocating this year! Good luck settling in, and let’s hope the less hectic times will allow for more RP. :wink:

N’Zoth is far out of our league, but we are doing a great job pestering some of his underlings instead. It’s not much, but it’s honest work. Just… let’s not mention the casualties…


Someone told someone that someone would attend, so the aforementioned someone will attend, even if it means not being able to help out his esteemed guildies…

(It might also mean a lone Forsaken,
former subject of the villain of the year,
attending a sacred Kal’dorei tradition,
a few months after the villain of the year
burned down the Kal’dorei capital
with Kal’dorei in it.

Someone is glad he wrote down his last will…)


I don’t know if I will be able to make it, messed up on the dates here too. I might be late if I am able to come but I will do my best.

((Hope your move is going well Natty, tried relocating to another country twice (and moving back again), so I know the feeling.))


I’ve recently moved back to Moonglade after some time away. Looking forward to joining tonight!


Sadly had to go due to family stuff but thanks for having me even for like five mins! :sob:


Thanks for the lovely RP, people! So great the turnout was that good despite lack of earlier advertisement (also apologies for being a bit more quiet, was half asleep today)

And, this was probably the first Moonrise with a Draenei opener - thanks Perforad for the impromptu speech (and of course Haidene for appearing just at the right time again to leave some memorable words!)

After making sure the lake was clear of things with sharp teeth, Wabuu undressed, slid into the water and started scrubbing himself harder than ever before. Not only to rid himself of Worgen slobber but also to wash away any trace of where he had been this night. The boss would be furious if he found out Wabuu had been fraternizing with the enemy and while he was loyal to the Troll who had saved him from the clutches of the faithless, serving blindly went against his very nature. The two factions were just as much of a mixed bag as his own rucksack and he had happily lived his entire life up to this point without knowledge of their wars and skirmishes.

The white lady reflected in the lake’s surface, reminding him of the calm of Vol’dun. Wabuu started thinking how easily he could go back and never be found but from the corner of his eye he spotted the blue child as it trailed behind it’s mother. Such a small thing on the canvas of night yet it’s presence made a great difference. And so could he.


Welcome back, wanderer! I hope you find your place on our little realm. :wave:

PS. If you are looking for more open RP that doesn’t require being in a guild to join, please check out the RP Calendar! Although do keep in mind that most RP on our realm happens within guilds, so I strongly suggest you take a look at the RP Guild List–there are some pretty cool groups highlighted there.

That said, the Hand is always looking for new adventurers to traumatize join our mildly dysfunctional family and help defend Azeroth from all sorts of nasties, and if you are into that iconic Horde vibe with the furs, dangerous animals, shamanism, campfires and some good ol’ zug zug, our buddies from the Beastmaw Warband will definitely provide in that department. :muscle:


I’m really happy I managed to arrive just before everyone left, so I at least got a tiny bit of rp in.

Sadly I never managed to poke more at Perforad and see if he’s a worthy mate for Nataari, or greet the otherwise long lost Alunaria but there’s always next time and a friendly IC letter to make up for that.

And it was great fun meeting my first ever Vulpera, and rp out never IC having seen one before.

The Moon’s Rise is a great event for many of these things, a huge thanks to you guys for keeping it alive and kicking. :heart:


Up you go!

Next Moonrise coming up Sunday October 4th, hope to see you all under the autumn moon!


…Oh dear, it’s another month again! Where did all that time go?

My RP availability these days is dictated very heavily by prepatch, but seeing how it doesn’t seem to be this week… I hope I will be able to bring some character of mine. :eyes:


Will be bringing along Mr Ohru Bearbrother to this! Very much looking forward to it…


bringing Maradan with a festive speech! just need to take a bunch of Jewish terms and put them in a Draenei lore version, then translate to English.

definitely not addicted to RP, right??


I don’t think there are many things that could keep me away for this one. Looking very much forward to it!


Unfortunately something came up and won’t make it - still dropping by for a bump, hope all of you have a great time tonight!!


A bunch of RL issues that had to be dealt with came in my way. I’m sorry I could not be there with you guys. I hope it was a good one.