Damn - just realized this is actually TODAY, and of course it’s 2 days too late to post in the old thread. So, better late than never! Hopefully despite the late notice we find a few people to gather and watch the September Moonrise together!
"Ishnu’Alah, Kal’Dorei brethren and friends and citizens of Stormwind!
Back in the past years, you, the Nightelves of Kalimdor have invited your allies and kin alike to join the old Kal’Dorei custom of the monthly Moonrise, to share your friendship and your praises to Elune. In the light of recent events, your homelands became contested, with many of you finding refuge here on the other side of the world, which was surely no easy choice for you.
Now we invite you to continue your custom, here in Stormwind, in the circle of your friends and allies. Your homelands may be far away and troubled these days, but we are all gazing upon the same moon.
Be welcome everyone to join us on the 1st sunday of this month, and every month, by the old grove above Stormwind Harbour, to share an evening of kinship and reminiscence. There will be food and drink, and a priestess will hold the prayer when it is time to receive Elunes blessing.
The festivities will commence an hour before Moonrise, and everyone is welcome! Leave your grudges and your weapons behind, and enjoy with us a peaceful celebration of Elune, of kinship and of the beauty of the rising moon.
We are looking forward to see you there!"
TODAY September 6th, from 21:00pm server time! (actual Moonrise should happen around 21:30)
Who is invited?
This includes Hordies - bring tongue potions for communication!
Please respect the Kaldorei customs for this event:
No weapons (a weapon rack will be available close to the event)
Also, please no open use of magic of any kind, or summoned companions against the laws of nature.
The small glade left of Stormwind Harbour (facing the sea) . From the harbour, ride outside along the city wall and up the hills, until you reach a little forested area with open views to the sea
Post here or get in touch in game - just ask around in /LookingforRP