MoP Remix Achievements

As this event ended last night, should the achievments tied to this not be moved to the Legacy or Feat of Strenght category? They are still under “Remix: Pandaria” as if the event was still unfolding.

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Yes, I think they should.

They probably will be when TWW goes live. I expect. :crossed_fingers:

There already is 1 FoS achievement from the Remix, which was Mythic Siege. Which other achievements should be considered FoS? Getting Shado-Pan exalted? I think it should stay as it is, but make it just Remix, and then subdivide them as they expand on the remixes.

Interesting question, where the same achievement is in both regular and Remix. And, if you first got it in Remix, you also therefore got it in regular?

I would just move the whole Remix category into Legacy.

"Interesting question, where the same achievement is in both regular and Remix. And, if you first got it in Remix, you also therefore got it in regular?

I would just move the whole Remix category into Legacy."

Exactly yea, Legacy is the right category I believe.

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