MOP Remix, Dracthyr limit?

Hello, apologies if this is obvious or has been answered already,

When MOP Remix launches, are we able to create more than 1 Dracthyr to go through Pandaria with, or will the 1 Dracthyr per realm limit still be in place?

We are all crossing our fingers, nothing has been stated so far about that.

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One per realm.

This event includes all of the races and classes that are available in Dragonflight. Keep in mind that there is a one-Evoker-per-realm limit in Dragonflight that some players will want to plan around.


Thank you! Time to delete my Horde evoker and level a new one when it drops!

aah… rip. I guess it was my hopes and dreams that were saying that its not ‘‘stated’’ LOL

For those who haven’t yet I’d recommend getting the achievements associated with the introductory questing area for the Dracthyr before deleting it for the Remix.

I must admit I’m a little angry at needing to delete a max level cha just to play evoker

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Stupid limitation tbh. I’m not deleting my main for this event, so now I have to pick a class I don’t want to…

The limit make sense given that Dracthyrs start in DF at level 68 but in MOP Remix every character will start at level 10. It doesn’t make sense for the limit to apply to level 10 characters.

It shouldn’t apply just like the Demon Hunter was available during Legion and was removed once DH were changed to start as a low level.

I will probably use a different server instead of doing that :slight_smile:

It is unfortunate yeah, but considering I’m planning to delete almost every character from this event in the end (I’m picky about my character quests and I don’t want a bunch of characters that quested through Pandaria) I’m just going to play on a different realm.

Why delete it? Just make a new one on a realm that is in the same group as your current so you can join the guild and send mail. In TWW you won’t even see realms, all your characters will be on one list.

Trouble is I want to do the event on Argent Dawn specifically :pensive:

Whatever I do the character is kind of throwaway at the end because I have all classes I want at 70, already at 70, with a couple of duplicates.

I hope the removed the requirement to have a level 50 on the server in order to create an evoker then or your are truly out of luck

Do you have a source for this? My main gripe is pressing the change server button and having to select another server. If I don’t need to do that then I don’t a problem

Also you are assuming they removed the requirement to have at least 1 cha of level 50 on a server in order to create an evoker

“It’s important to note that your Warband is limited to characters within a single region (i.e., Americas, Europe, Korea, Taiwan) but spans every realm, faction, and even subscription you may have within that region.”

I did forget that.

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thank you. the most cynical take is that i can at least add a few chas from other realms to my login list by popping them in the warband

Edit nvm it says further down thank you

I got a few servers that has 70s so im good. I doubt they would lift that restriction tho.

Eh if you want him on Argent Dawn and want to keep him after the Event for Roleplay you should delete your first Dracthyr after getting a level up so you can keep him forever and restore him with TWW. If you just want to delete afterwards search for another realm.

Well, since most stuff unlocked will be account bound, just level up another one on another realm. Takes 2-3 days to level a character to 58 to unlock Dracthyr so pick what you htink is the quickest and sanity expansion with chromie time and get to 58 with that, then you’re prepared for the event next week.

One solution to those that want to keep their main already levelled up, geared and all.