MOP Remix has been an utter failure

Im sitting on rhe toilet laughing so hard, thanks for that.


Will you laugh when after a few weeks, blizzard will say that they will never do such an event in the future because of the colossal disaster that this event has been. Microsoft has already warned them of the serious implications of future failures. MS has already shut down 4 studios. They won’t hesitate to shut down blizzard if they fuk up like this ever again.

You seriously expect people to believe your fantasy land lad?

Wallstreet has not been affected Brain Frog.


I am living in reality as I understand what it means to work in corporate. People like you are the ones living in fantasy lands like wow.

Ok, link these reports that you haven’t totally just made up.

Wallstreet does not care you spent your bronze on toys


No it hasn’t.

I doubt it when you say things like,

If you think MicroSoft will shut down a MULTI BILLION $$ company, then you are extremely deluded.

Their reply is going to be “Google it”


Microsoft wants Activision and Call of Duty. Blizzard and wow is just extra baggage. Are you guys really deluded that they spent 69 billion dollars for a 20 year old dinosaur game and a studio thats already past its prime. Microsoft has warned blizzard that if they do like this ever again there will be serious repercussions.

Do you even have any idea what you are talking?
Just looked over for any news and also financial data.
Microsoft shares did go down with 3 dollars/share when they launched MoP Remix, but it has nothing to do with it, as of course first days went nice. Now they are even higher, so there was literally no financial disaster.
Regarding what you said, there are no public news of Microsoft ever telling Blizzard something like that.

So you’ve nothing to go on other than weasel words. Damn, I was really hoping you’d at least try and put in more effort than the usual “everything is terrible because my mommy said so”
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

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Tis Monday m8, not Friday. Save these threads for a Friday you get better reactions.


You have any proof of this? Or is it just more garbage you’re inventing in that “Reality” of yours?

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simply that even is just another thing which u can play … simply nothing was removed from game that u can play this … so who like to play will play and who dont like he have other parts of game to enjoy