More balance updates!

From a big gaming company such as Blizzard i expect weekly balance updates.
I don’t know where the problem is?
You can easily tune every reset day on different speccs.
Even when it is only 1-2% buff or nerf.


flat % nerfs/buffs is never the way to go honestly. They need to look into the specs in more detail and see where the problems lie with them. For example, survival hunters are really strong aoe in m+ but their single target sucks butt. So if they buff survival by 10% their aoe will sky rocket out of control where as their single target will be a little better but still not great.

This spiralling only becomes apparent when we get major boosts in ilvl due to secondary stat scaling. Where the classes should be rebalanced either way.

Doing weekly Class balancing would be awful for the game. That’s way too little time to accurately evaluate the new state of each spec per week. If you’re not seeing balance updates that means the classes and specs are fairly close in strenght among the majority of the playerbase.

It would also make players frustrated and start to doubt their own classes direction. You have more frequent balance updates in Major Patches or early in expansions until the classes end up in a state in which they are performing to a decent standard. Remember, representation =/= power.

Removing borrowed powers would make balancing so much easier imo.

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Problem is they made that many new systems they literally shot themselves in the foot, slightly changing any part of any spec as adverse affects to all the added systems , slightly change one of the systems, covenants, soul binds etc as an effect on more classes/spec, they created an absolute nightmare for balancing.

They over complicated far too much for absolutely no reason at all and with no forethought at all to the future, worst designed systems ever and an even worse implementation.
Every time they change anything they are literally digging them selves into a hole and have to band aid other aspects of the game, this ex-pac is going to be a constant stream of band aids to fix one thing but break others totally self inflicted by Blizzard and their overly contrived systems that literal don’t work at least for the long haul.

It’s exactly what happened in BFA but this time its far worse because theres more interlinked systems. you’d think they would learn from past mistakes LMAO


“Mongoose bite damage increased by 5%”
Single target stronger, AoE still the same

The buffs and nerfs can be precise

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