we have a cap on dailies of 25 at this moment of time in cata classic its just not enough this needs to be doubled imho it’s a bit backwards to keep a 25 cap that has been around forever i’m sure it’s a simplse thing to raise it .
What 25+ dailies are still relevant to you ?
i def need double the cap with what dailies i need to do currently
Your gold bid needs a cap, the daily cap is there for you to choise dailes you like and to hold inflation at bay. If you want to do more daylies, get an alt.
To be fair, the gold inflation argument is pretty moot these days. The gold you could possibly gain from daily quests is abysmal compared to what players gain through other means, and have in stock.
I myself can see the problem of a daily cap now that I am in the process of rerolling. If you’re trying to get rep/marks/whatever from Molten Front, you can’t finish Tol’Barad simultaneously, for example.
it’s not bout the gold im trying to do various dailies for mounts patterens recipes achs and keep up with current content.
You can farm rep with tabards for those, so no need to do dailies (except for Tol Barad, which has no rep tabard). You’ll generally get more rep from 1-2 Heroics with a faction than one daily hub (not counting Guardians of Hyjal with Molten Front.)
done all that its things like argent tournament molten front cooking fshing and all the other ones i need to do i probably need 40 a day on main char
mounts and companions are shared you can do argent tournament on alts. Even the bonus bag that drops for tanks healers contain some of those pets.
Can confirm - got the ‘‘Sen’jin Fetish’’ a few days ago on my tank.
i know these things but ive gotten to the point of my age where tanking and healing is horrid with the children in rdf these days esp the gehennas comunity you get insta kicked for some really minor thing so i prefer the daily approach.
I am past my 30 years as well and I know there are some groups that they may kick you for the stupidest reasons but I still look for that daily bag bonus and most of the time I can complete the dungeon just fine. If you have no problems with your tanking/healing and your group can read chat and communicate that’s the most efficient way to get all the pets from argent tournament.
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