More difficult and VERY rare but rewarding Tameable Pets

Personally, and I’m sure many others feel and/or think the same that we (HUNTERS) should get more pets in Shadowlands similar to Loque’nahak and Arcturis in Northrend, in terms of difficulty to get it. The pet gets cooler alone by just being so rare, but obviously it has to BE cool visually too. Or funny, I don’t know. Anything could be.

Yes, many hunters out there would want to have it be easy to tame such a cool pet, but I disagree in some situations and factors. It erases the very meaning of feeling cool and rewarding, let alone standing out, especially when every single hunter is running around with that pet. Whenever I saw a hunter with Loque’nahak I would always think, “Wow, that’s cool, how did you get it?”. After the common phasing bug that hunters used, it was very simple and easy to tame every rare pet by exploiting it. Because of that I ended up thinking, “Hm I wonder if he/she used the bug or if he/she actually worked hard for it.”, I do agree that it’s not taken as “OMG LOOK AT THIS HUNTER” anymore, as those pets have been out for VERY VERY long now(Based off of what I’ve seen and experienced). But the major reason for that is because of how many years they have been out for, and how many hunters have managed to get those now, especially with the help of the exploit. It lost some of its “standing out” factor if not all due to the majority having it.

(Big part is thanks to the exploit), but it WAS cool. Yes that is important. It was cool, not that it never was. Sure it didn’t last forever but oh boy was it extremely amazing IN MY OPINION AND PERSPECTIVE.

A Pet that is hellish to find and tame, but a pet that makes you stand out and make you feel cool and rewarding for having gone through so much to get it. I think that’s amazing. Yes I know some of you don’t want to go through a lot to have an amazing pet besides you, but I think it would be cool.

If not that, perhaps we could have something by the lines of “Mage Tower”, but actually not a Mage Tower. You go through very challenging phases/rounds or whatever you want to call it. If or when you pass it fully you get a pet(Or choose one/two pets out of three/four, I don’t know.), or you unlock a zone where there are a few very special pets you could tame. This challenge would not be easy and it’s solo, or it could be coop, I’m not one to say which should be either.

Let’s come up with amazing ways/ideas for this topic if possible! (Might not happen, but perhaps something in this topic could become reality, even if others think it’s odd or stupid)

I’m excited to see what ideas you all have regarding RARE NEW pets in the future.

I am sorry if I said something incorrect or something offensive, this topic is here to possibly share great ideas regarding very cool new pets, etc. I spoke based off of what others might enjoy and like, even if it may seem hellish.If I missed something, please let me know!


Don’t be sorry for being offensive. This thread is great. I’d love to see more tameble pets that are extremely rare and difficult to tame. Having a rare pet in your arsenal you really feel like you earned by extreme means would be nice.


You know what I truly dislike? Sometimes Blizzard ruins rare pets by adding regular tameable mobs with the same models in later patches or expansions.

I really want rare pets, pets that are hard to tame as those spirit beasts in mop while it was current content, but I seriously also want Blizzard to stop adding models that ruins rare pets, one example are those unique striders.


Couldn’t agree more! (I’m Wojobo, I changed my name and race to Bloodelf like a month ago, not sure why my character wasn’t updated on the forums, oh well!)

Gotcha! I said it incase some took it offensively, which hopefully none did. And I’m happy that other hunters share the thoughts, ideals and feelings towards the topic. It makes me happy to see. <3

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Bar the examples you used that aren’t challenging or hard, just long camps, I whole heartedly agree with more hunter challenge tames.

I had quite the fun taming Deth’tilac (Had my mage friend help me with kiting it to low health :,D) and Karkin from Molten Front.


would also be fun to be able to put armor or bags and stuff on your pets to make them more personal, maby even give pets some unique abilites depending what you put on it.


I’ve legit had the same pets since wotlk. Sure if they add rare pets why not. As Long as they dont have any extra advantage

They should add unique pets
But they cant get killed by anyone and can only be tamed by hunters
This way a other hunter cant kill the pet and cant be killed by other players
Give it some kind of buff

they should also just make those blue arcane cats from legion into cats, it takes away all so much of the uniqueness of spirit beast to make them so readily tamable

no bring back the long camps anyone can watch a YouTube video and figure out how to do a challenge tame like banthalos or ankha, the long camps is really what makes these pets rare. How many articus’s skolls or even gondrias do you see walking around barely any because they have long camps. Long camps are what makes these pets rare, you guys that dont want to put in the work have all ready got your free spirit beast in gara and the arcane cats. Blizz needs to bring back the ultra hard long spawntimer, you have to spend 3 days searching for them pets so they can actually be seen as rare again. Hell id even argue they remove gara hati and the arcane cats or do something like the talbuk meat they did for the cats at the end of legion to preserve the whole families rarity again.

Done the camps back in wotlk, no they weren’t hard they were just boring and all you had to watch out for as usual was griefers or other hunters sniping/killing the tame.
I don’t even have Gara, Hati or the Legion Sabercats, but I don’t see the harm in letting people have an easy alternative to the most popular pet type either.

You don’t see people use most of the pets simply due to there being better or easier alternatives readily available.

Molten Front was just a good example to use, MoP had the pets you had to track down which was a more fun “challenge” than sit in the same spot(s) for hours on end.
Sounds to me like you just want to be a hipster for the sake of being one :woman_shrugging:

Id add that if it was a mage tower like system unlike the mage tower your gear gets scaled down to set ilvl and stat page. Becuase allthough people like to act like the mage tower was all about skill in reality it was so much easier with gear. I went in to get my BM look with just enough Ilvl to enter and failed over and over, then i went in after id done abit of hc raiding and got my mm and surv looks in two tries.

I got my Loque’nahak just by being awake early in a weekend
I was wide awake booted up pc had my cofee and thought gonna see maybe Loque’nahak is up Got lucky saw him tamed him
I kept looking around for someone else being around Like a rogue in stealth to kill it

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Aaah man nice gz I still haven’t got mine look every day too, I missed it by literally a few seconds once but another hunter was already taming I just stood next to him and cried he then helped me by taking me to every single spawn point I already new the m but we are now friends lol

I don’t remember the name of the beast in Towlonge Steppes, but I really enjoyed finding out his pathing, and then track him down!
I wish Blizzard implemented more rare pets like that, it really makes me feel like a HUNTER. Hint hint!

True hunt would be great. Imagine unique cool pet spawning in certain zones but rotally random, so no one can make a spawn point map. You never know where this pet is but when they wander they are leaving marks visible only to hunters via special tracking spell and you track them down while following their marks. You must click on a mark so only then next one will be visible to you.

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The black mechanical dog in high mountain was a really cool tame. Tracking the oil leaks, using a flare etc the other cool one was the cat in the Jade Forest. They need more like that

Absolutely. This would be amazing!

I remember the pets on the molten front or whatever they were called. Some of them would oneshot you if they came close to you