More Earthen Customization Please :)

Hi all,

I am considering playing an Earthen in TWW for a while after seeing their potential in the wowhead dressing room:

I wanted to make some suggestions on what other customizations I’d like to see for them. Let me know in the comments what you would personally like to see as well.

I propose that the Earthen get all hairstyles of their dwarf and DID counterparts. I do like their current hairstyles a lot, though male dwarves could use some longer ones.

There should be a ‘‘diamond’’ style skin tone akin to that of Magni Bronzebeard. I am surprised something like it was not already added. I suggest there to be more grey-stone and marble coloured skin tones as well.

We NEED more faces without so many wrinkles. They are technically stone dwarves / statues, so there is no reason why they can’t have youthful looking faces akin to those of an intricate stone statue. We also need faces without such wide noses and lips. Why do so many female faces have duck lips / face…?

Please remove the multiple cracks and wrinkles from their hands, they are not aesthetically pleasing in my humble opinion. Again, they are living stone statues, there is no need for their hands to be so wrinkly. They can be marble-smooth instead :wink:

The runes on their arms are also not coloured differently from the rest of their body, I suggest colouring the carved runes a silver or gold colour depending on the skin tone to emphasize the runes and give them a coloured tattoo feel as they look very odd as they currently are.

Please allow options were females (and males too) do NOT have a prominent 6-pack. Just because they are dwarves not all of them are supposed to have a 6-pack. What if I want my dwarf to not attend gym or mine rocks 8 hours a day and have a normal stomach / tummy? :wink:

Other than that I like the hairstyles, hair colours and beard options in general, and also the eye colours, but I think there is room for improvement in the face and arms / hands / tummy areas.

As we’re still in Alpha please consider this feedback and add these options as you still have time to do so! :pray: :smiley:


I only have one comment, and it’s in support of us losing the abs.

Many a time I’m tanking a low level dungeon and I try to use me being a fat dwarf as an excuse for being lazy and ignoring mechanics… and someone tells me I have a six pack and arms that look like they could lift a ferrari. It’s very annoying.



I know, they’re not supermen, they’re lazy, gorgeous stone men! They eat rocks all day and just look pretty!


Last time I tried to use the wowhead link I couldn’t get it to show me any Earthen, nice to be able to get to play with it.

Always find it easier in game to play with the settings and get a better feel for the character you’re making but was nice to get to see the options


It seems to me like they have taken some inspiration from both and made this weird metallic wiring version instead. I originally thought it was just messy hair but having a closer look it looks like… wires. I’d have prefered crystal but it’s better than normal hair. Maybe in the future they will add some.

I actually quite like the faces, they look like chiseled rock and have some cracks, which I think is a nice touch. Mind I don’t know if that is just for females, but the men have always had fugly faces that needed desparately covering with beards!

But they quite literally are chiseled. It’s funny! It could be completely deceptive, do they even have muscles? They’re living stone. “Ah it be great to eat all tha rocks in tha world and do nuthin’ all day but still look like I put effort inta anythin’!”

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The face needs to separate out the options IMO, so that markings on the face are not tied to a particular face.

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There are markings? Do you mean the cheekbones or cracks etc?

Like some markings in forehead, whatever you want to call them, seem to be tied to the various face choices, but they could expand on that and make them another option.

Can I have a picture?


01 - no marks

02- mark on cheek/forehead/above lip

03 - no marks, seems mainly wrinkled/aged

04 - marks on forehead/across cheek

05 - marks on forehead/above lip/chin

06 - marks on forehead/cheek/above lip

07 - marks on forehead/cheeks/

I think it would be nicer to choose a face and then choose where/what those markings are.

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Oh yes I can see now they’re zoomed in! Like little… pockmarks (though the last seems like freckles almost) it’s wear and tear in the stone.

Yes, I agree, more customisation is always welcome.


I would honestly be so happy if we just got some more of those hairstyles the NPCs have like the one with the giant bun. I think the original concepts had this sort of very refined and intricate hair and thus far I think only one of the hairstyles lives up to that and the rest look I don’t know - a bit scruffy?

Heritage armour as well - I hope we also get the Earthen civilian sets so that we can have some stuff for all classes rather than the current set alone which right now looks rather similar to the Algarian stormriders attire.

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I hope they fix the mustache though. :disguised_face:

They made it as if they had never seen how mustaches grow.

Or make it so you can customize beard and mustache seperately like it is done for the Bronzebeard/Wildhammer.


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how those dwarves can be paladin if they lived out of our civilisation?

I know i mean what would they worship?

They do give strong Paladin vibes tho !

They normally just give them their own version. Same as we had with Zandalari or Taurens etc.

I totally agree with this idea. Other than adding a few more youthful faces (especially statues can have very perfect faces), it should be an option to choose if your living stone / earth dwarf should have freckles or wrinkles, size of nose, mouth etc.

With 3 dwarven races I think an animation overhaul (especially for females) is also well overdue. They need more fluidity and freedom in their movement and casting animations. Their walk and cast is really stiff…


In general I like them, but… Some jewelry options would be a nice addition. Also some (colored) runes instead of tattoos would be a nice touch. And lastly, I agree with the popular opinion of male earthen having pretty lame hair options…

By the way, why don’t they divide mustaches from beards as customization opinions like they did with regular dwarves? That would increase the customization a lot.

Well I hope that we can get some youthful faces at least without odd marks on them

And options to not have huge 8 packs as well, that would be great!