More public orders

A blue post on the US forum stated:

“We would like to see more public orders to allow more crafters to have a chance to fill them.”

This raises a question, why do so many things that can be crafted not show up on the contracts page? If the aim is to see more public orders, why not let every craftable item be available to contract on? I don’t want to make something if nobody wants it, but if someone wants it, I’d be happy to make it.

I think remove the Crafting Order system and allow us to sell everything on a Realm wide AH.


That would allow raiders, M+ runners to sell 418 gear to people who never set foot in either.
The fundamental problem is supply, demand. and the indestructible nature of gear in WoW. This is most apparent in the debate of
“let us specify quality in public orders!”
“-No, everyone would just select the highest one”

In sandboxes where you lose gear when you die, you don’t always wear your best gear while farming or pvping in open world, so there’s constant, recurring demand for even lower quality gear. But in WoW you always only need the best items you can wear, so the value of everything else is zero. And once everyone has one of the bis items, the demand for those also becomes zero.

There is no good system for this within the current context of WoW, and the best we can hope for is one that’s less broken than the previous.

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Well there was a good suggestion in the Manthieus Video that was posted on WoWhead yesterday ( And that would be to have system in the AH which required the buy to have the Primal Infusion as a “currency” requirement to buy the item from AH.

The idea of the Crafting order system was to allow players to say “I want this item, with these stats and this embellishment”. In reality I spend most of time as a crafting explaining to players how to use the system and what they need to do and why its impossible to guarantee Max Rank of certain items.

And then Blizzard come along and make derogatory comments like “Because it’s free gold for a click” (which they seem to have updated because they were called out on it) (Source:

Although I’ve had a great time being a crafter and making lots of new friends and customers in game. It would be a much more enjoyable experience if I could just craft and sell items on the AH, and then go out to play the game (or log off occasionally). Instead I generally keep WoW open in the background whilst I’m at home doing whatever I’m doing and keep an eye out for crafts and customers.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate the system. it has it’s merit for sure.

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