I am from the oposition…
Bring us more skills and options
Get a naga mouse and learn to use it…
Having 72+ buttons readily reachable, makes all the complaints about button bloath sound kinda lame to me.
I am from the oposition…
Bring us more skills and options
Get a naga mouse and learn to use it…
Having 72+ buttons readily reachable, makes all the complaints about button bloath sound kinda lame to me.
You can’t solve button bloat by expecting people to buy additional hardware.
More buttons to press doesn’t translate in a more efficient gameplay.
3/10 for effort.
Troll too obvious.
So obvious I fell for it instantly
Thats your opinion, there is more to game play then having an efficient rotation… to many shaman is or atleast was about having a different solution for everything the game trows at you
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