More Traders Tender

Source? Can´t find anything on Wowhead or the US+EU forums… Only that we´ll be able to earn 500 more in Feb for the anniversary of the TP, not that the raised amount is permanent…

edit Ah, just saw the ölinked post, yeah, that’s only for february almost 100% sure. :beers:

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I think so too, but several content creators keep saying it’s a permanent change.
Do they know something we don’t?

Doubtful… But, always remember that they make their money by getting people to watch them /click on their videos. So at the end of the day they have a vested interest in saying things that are controversial, be it posiive or negative, so as to either get more views and /or have people come back just to comment on how wrong they were. :wink:

In addition ofc to using their platform to potentially drum up support for what they feel needs to be changed. :beers:

Yeah that is 100% Feb only. Worded like that you can’t really interpet it in way thinking it would be onwerds as of Feb.
Streamers and “News”-sites…blegh…

Anyway, wasn’t it like this last year, too? :thinking:

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I´m fairly certain that it was, yes. But you know what they say about history and those that refuse to learn it :beers: